Richmond Dispatch, 6/4/1862

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From the Richmond Dispatch, 6/4/1862, p. 2, c. 4

Hospital Directory. – The following is a list of the different hospitals and their location in the city:


Camp Winder Hospital, western suburbs of the city.
Chimborazo Hospital, on the hill overlooking Rocketts.
General Hospital, northern terminus of Second street.
Louisiana Hospital (formerly Baptist College,) western termination of Broad street.
Byrd Island Hospital, southern termination of Ninth street, near the river.
South Carolina Hospital, Manchester, (approached by Mayo’s bridge, end of Fourteenth street.)
First Georgia Hospital, Twenty-first street, between Main and Cary.
Second Georgia Hospital, Twentieth street, between Main and Franklin.
Third Georgia Hospital, corner of Franklin and Twenty-fourth streets.
First Alabama Hospital, Broad street, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets.
Second Alabama Hospital, corner of Franklin and Twenty-fifth streets.
Royster’s Hospital, on Twenty-fifth street, between Main and Franklin streets.
Banner Hospital, corner of Franklin and Nineteenth streets.
Globe Hospital, on Nineteenth street, between Main and Franklin.
Maryland Hospital, corner of Cary and Twenty-fifth streets.
Greaner’s Hospital, Twenty-first street, between Main and Franklin streets.


Bellevue Hospital, Broad street, Church Hill.
College Hospital, corner of Marshall and Eleventh streets.
Sailors’ Home, corner of Clay and Henry streets.
Baptist Church Hospital, Fourth street, between Leigh and Duval.
Robertson’s Hospital, corner of Main and Third streets.
St. Francis D’Sale, Brooke Avenue, near Bacon Quarter Branch.


Liggon and Howard’s (factory) Hospitals, Main street, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets.
Ross’ (factory) Hospital, opposite the above - north side of Main.
Crew’s (factory) Hospital, corner of Cary and Twenty-first streets.
Seabrook’s Warehouse, corner of Grace and Eighteenth streets.
Kent, Paine & Co.’s Hospital, Main, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets.
Keen, Baldwin & Co.’s Hospital, Main, below Governor street.
St. Charles Hotel, corner of Main and Wall streets.
Richardson & Co.’s store, Main street, below Fourteenth.
Masonic Hall, Franklin, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets.
Breeden & Fox’s store, corner Broad and Fourth streets.
Spotswood Hospital, under Spotswood Hotel.
Mayor’s and Dibrell’s warehouses, and the Danville work shops, in Manchester, will be used as hospital as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made.
Hospital tents are being erected at Howard’s Grove.

Page last updated on 01/15/2008