From the Richmond Dispatch, 6/5/1862, p. 3, c. 2CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED YESTERDAY BY CHAS. G. TALCOTT, Superintendent of the Richmond and Danville Railroad, for the sick and wounded soldiers, and distributed by him to the following Hospitals: GENERAL HOSPITAL. One bucket butter from W. Crowley, Esq., of Halifax county. One bucket butter From W. B. Paris, Esq., of Charlotte county. Three jus of milk from Isaac Adkinson, Esq., of Halifax county. One box containing 2 lambs, &c., from J. Thornhill, Esq., of Charlotte county. Two boxes provisions from S. B. Magors, Esq., of Halifax county. One box provisions from Messrs. Franklin & Kent, of Halifax county. One barrel provisions from Isaac Adkinson, Esq., of Halifax county. One demijohn milk from J. A. Britton, Esq., of Halifax county. One basket eggs from J. Thornhill, Esq., of Charlotte county. Received by
J. B. SHEPHERD, ____ ST. CHARLES HOSPITAL. Two boxes provisions from Robt Mills, Esq., of Halifax county. One box provisions from Wm. Easley, Esq., of Halifax county. Two boxes provisions from Ladies Aid Society, Black Walnut, Halifax county. One barrel provision from W. Crowley, Esq., of Halifax county. One barrel provisions from A. B. Stringer, Esq., of Amelia county. One keg provisions from Robt Mills, Esq., of Halifax county. Received by
E. W. SLOAN, ____ BYRD ISLAND HOSPITAL. One box provision from E. Jordan, Esq., of Halifax county. One box provisions from S. R. Edmundson, Esq., of Halifax county. One box provisions from E. Gerst, Esq., of Halifax county. One box provisions from Ladies’ Aid Society of Halifax county. One runlet milk from W. Easley, Esq., of Halifax county. One runlet milk from Wm. Wilson, Esq., of Halifax county. One runlet milk from Mrs. Col. Edmunds, of Halifax count. Received by A. Y. P. GARNETT, Surgeon in charge ____ GLOBE HOSPITAL. One bucket butter from J. Thornhill, Esq., of Charlotte county. One barrel milk from citizens of South Boston, Halifax county. One barrel provisions from J. A. Britton, Esq., of Halifax county. Two boxes provisions from Ladies’ Aid Society of Halifax county. One box provisions from N. D. Dickinson, of Halifax county. One box provisions From Wm. Jones, Esq., of Halifax county. Received by STEWARD. ____ RICHARDSON’S HOSPITAL. One barrel milk from citizens of South Boston, Halifax county. One box provisions from Robt Wade, Esq., of Halifax county. One coop chickens from J. A. Britton, Esq., of Halifax county. Two boxes provisions from Isaac Adkinson, of Halifax county. One box provisions from J. W. Chappell, of Halifax county. Received by RICHARDSON & CO.
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