From the Richmond Dispatch, 7/11/1862, p. 1, c. 6Night Attendance at the Hospitals. – In the day time the hospitals of this city are tolerably well provided with kind and careful nurses, who do all in their power to relieve the sufferings of the sick and wounded, but it is to be regretted that there is a decided lack of night nurses to attend to the wants of the brave and suffering soldiers. Surely there are persons enough in our community whose avocations are not so urgent as to prevent them from giving a portion of their time at night in contributing to the comfort and convenience of those who have sustained injuries in defence of the city. We suggest it to those who have it in their power to do so, to offer their services to the hospital stewards, with a view to the organization of an efficient corps of night watchers. The bare suggestion, we are sure, is all that is necessary to accomplish the object desired.
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