Richmond Dispatch, 7/15/1862

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From the Richmond Dispatch, 7/15/1862, p. 1, c. 6

Police Court. – Yesterday Martha Morgan, arrested for keeping a disorderly house, was let off on condition that she moved her present residence. – Hiram, slave of Capt. J. Sheppard, charged with stealing G. McGee’s horse, was acquitted, but detained for going at large. Two free negroes, named Wm. Maxwell and Joe Maxfield, were committed until the 16th – the first for stealing McGee’s horse, the latter for receiving it. Case of Thomas Davenport, for a violent assault on Mrs. Kearn, was continued until the 18th inst. Pat McSweeney and Pat Sullivan were sent to jail until the 16th, for the alleged offence of committing a rape on Mrs. Miller’s servant woman. Jos. Allison, white, was fined $1 for behaving disorderly in the street while drunk. John Kearnan was temporarily committed for beating his wife. Sol, slave of J. H. Gentry, arrested as a runaway, was returned to his owner. Sixteen free negroes, taken as conscript nurses for the hospitals, appeared, and most of them offering valid excused in the shape of other legitimate employment, the raid made by the police did not amount to much. Sundry other trifling cases were disposed of.




Page last updated on 01/15/2008