RICHMOND, July 7th, 1862.
CASTLE GODWIN. The officers of their company and regiment will call
and take them out, or have their cases tried.
By order of Major E.
GRISWOLD, Prov. Mar’l,
G. W. ALEXANDER, A. A. G. and A. P. M.
E. Williams, co B, 6th Va
S Winder, co C, La Bat.
J Dickan, Johnston’s Art.
R Moatt, co B, 53d Ga.
John Donlon, co E, 8th Ala.
P Maloney, Henrico Art.
M A May, co B, 45th N.C.
E Corbin, Purcell Battery
J Crigmore, co B, 38th N C.
C Haines, co. B, 45th N C.
J Pierman, co G, 15th N. C.
Thomas Campbell, co A, 4th Va Art.
J H Pierman, co A, 4th Va. Art.
J A Bain, co B, 59th Va.
G Rodgers, co C, Md Bat.
W A Madder, co C, Md Bat.
G Strain, co C, Md Bat.
P H Miller, co C, 4th Va Art.
Thomas Paine, Turner's Art.
M H Turner, Turner's Art.
T P. Gill, co A, 15th Va.
Thomas Wilson, co D, 7th La.
John Coffield.
S Conner.
Daniel Farrar, Reserve Art.
J Scarbrough, Reserve Art.
Jas Hefly, 2d Washington Art.
Josiah Daring, co K, 12th N. C.
A J Teal, co E, 9th Ga.
W E Bass. co C, 38th N. C.
John Bass. co C, 38th N C.
T Merrin, co B, 10th La.
C Donohough, co G, 5th Va.
John Schools, co C, 2d La.
James Guy, co G, 2d La.
A Moran, co E, 2d La.
J A Lovelace, co D, 38th Va.
D E Base, co B, 38th. Va.
C W Mills, co D, 38th Va.
B Booth, co B, 37th Va.
J Roloson, co I, 14th Va.
E Fry, co D, 14th La.
J M Wood, co I, 8th Ga.
J Rhine, co G, 6th La.
R Bland, co A, 6th Va.
E Goodner, co G, 15th Va.
W C Pierman, co G, 15th Va.
L Hunt, co G, 46th N. C.
John McLaughlin, Madison Art.
Wm Godfrey, co F, D E G Bat.
L H Melvin. co E, 2d La.
Jno Sweeney, co K, 13th Miss.
R J Marshall, co E, 2d La.
John Donnell, –
O McGuire, co I, 17th Va.
W S Smith, co E, 24th Va.
E Dillard, co H, 47th Va.
J L Anderson, co G, 19th Va.
Thomas Mahon, co G, 2d Va.
J Ronemus, co F, 5th Va.
Wm Essender, co E, 1st Md.
Uriah Lawhorn co G, 19th Va.
T M Walter co H, 38th Va.
D Desse, La Zouave Battalion.
Jno Morriss, co F, 1st Md
J G Henderson, co G, 19th Va.
D E Smith. co G, 19th Va.
F Dances, co D, 8th La.
Thos Howard, co Sappers and Miners.
G W Hunt, co G, 46th N C.
D F Pearce, co B, 46th N C.
Wm Kenney, co C, 1st Va.
H B Crowder, co C, 1st Va.
Wm Straugh, –
Chas Grace, D E Gurney's Batt.
John Doherty 2d Miss.
J H Poland Eclipse Art.
J Bassax La Za Battal'n.
J McCairn, Norton H A
Dan Egan. co C, 19th Miss.
Jno Foley. –
M Blair, –
R Martin, Johnson's Art.
Geo Jeter, do do.
R S Vaughn, co A, 55th Va.
S Martin, co E, 55th Va.
Lewis Powell. co C, 61st Va.
J Lock, co H, 61st Va.
W J Winder. co H, 61st Va.
L J Greene, co B, 6th Va.
J A Thomas, co D, 17th Va.
J H Butler, co I, 49th Va.
Thos Dabbin, Purcell Battery.
J C Caton, co D, 17th Va.
J G Horton, co G, 49th Va.
Wm Grigby, do do do
Wm Rutherford co E, 49th Va.
J Suttle, co G, 49th Va.
Festus Hitt, do do do.
R Settle, do do do.
S J Simpson, co D, 17th Va.
Thos Thompson, co –, 28th N C.
Wm Haine, co D, 6th Va.
H Davis, co –,32d N C.
B Davis, do do do.
G Ponce, – –.
Chs E C Booker, Montecue's Art.
E H Bradley, co D, 6th Va.
G T Wills, co D, 6th Va.
Wm Wilkinson, co D, 9th Va.
Z Graves, co F, 46th N C.
J H Deaton, co E, 8th Ala.
J T Brent, co D, 9th Va.
J Dabbin, co G, 41st Va.
F Moore, co D, 9th Va.
G W Phillips, 8th Star Art.
W H Jones, co K, 5th Va.
A Cartrell, co B, D E G Batt.
F W Bernard, co D, 15th Va.
Hy Gillespie, co D, 2d La.
M Galligher, co A. 10th La.
J R Jones co C, Allen Bat.
L Wertenburg, co K, 15th Va.
J W Swartz, do do do
Fred'k Rice, do do do
Jno Kane, co A. 15th Va.
Thos Story, co H, 41st Va.
J H Aye, co A. 26th Va.
H L Shore, co E, 1st N C.
Thos Smith co F, 3d N C.
P Greene, Horton's H A.
Wm Hampton, co H, 43d Va.
S T Wooddum, co G, 15th Ala.
Wm Covington, co H, 30th Va.
G Lara, Johnson's Art.
M Downey, co G, 17th Va.
Thos Dowd, co D, 16th Miss.
T A Lacy, co I, 1st Va.
W W Jennings, Latham Bat.
Proctor Briton, co K, 48th N C.
Arratti Balk, Maryland Line.
Thos Bowles, co I, 5th La.
Jno Bremand, co B, 10th La.
Michael Burke, co G. 6th Va.
Bonner Band, Davidson's Artillery.
Jno U Berry, co K, 10th La.
T N Blackman, co B, DeGourney's bat.
Baritt, or Barb, co B, 2d Fla.
Grovanny Boschl, 15th N. C.
Pat Courtney, Davidson's Artillery.
Henry Carcil, co B, 53d Va.
Wm Corway, co C, 24th Ga.
Chas Cassidy, Johnson's Artillery.
Capt Carroll, Sappers and Miners.
Dr C H Cole, 2d La.
Thos Devine co D, 1st La.
Frank Dolan, co H, 2d Miss.
Jos Dougherty. co B, 9th Va.
Thos Devine, co B, 1st Md.
Polk Denison, co I, 6th La.
Thos Forward Norton's Artillery.
Edw Fendler, DeGourney's bat.
A E Farrer, co A, 13th Miss.
Festus Gill, Blake's Artillery, Allen's bat.
Thos A Hatcher, co F. 8th Va.
Jas Hathcock, co K, 48th N C.
M H Hogan, co H, 1st N C.
H H Hutchenson, co I, 13th Va.
Jno Hotzinger, DeGourney's bat.
J C Hemnell, co B, 9th Va.
Capt Hagemeyer, co K, 1st Va.
A F Jones, co A, 6th Va.
Robt Johnson, co B, 2d La.
W M Jones, Pate's bat.
Jas W Jordan, Blake's co, Allen's bat artillery.
Alex Warner, Gov'r's Mou'd Guard, Richmond.
S F Garton, co E, 19th Va.
Henry Jenkins, co I, 5th La.
Geo H Johnson, co G, 5th Va.
Jas Kennedy, co L,. 1st La.
Thos Kennedy, co C, 8th Ala.
M S Kearney, co B, 9th Va.
Jno Kearney, Hampden Artillery.
Thos Martin, Davidson's Artillery.
G W Merchant, co H, 8th Va.
A McMahan, co D, 10th La.
S W Martin, co D, 10th La.
Edward McGinniss. co D, 1st La.
Jas McGuirk, co B, 2d La.
A Mullen, co B, 9th Va.
Michael Murphy, Caskie's Rangers.
H C Mason, co A, 49th Va.
Jno Maloney, co E, 1st La.
Dan Newcomer, co H, 49th Va.
Sam O'Neil co D, 10th La.
P O'Donnell, co B, 9th Va.
Jno Porter, co L, 1st Ga Regulars.
Chas Purnelly, co L, 1st Md.
Peter Sigman, co C, 6th Va.
Jehugh Sigman, co C, 6th Va.
Jas Spain, co B, 19th Ga.
L Sclossky, co C, 44th Va.
A W Swaine, co C, 14th La.
Duncan C Rice, Presion Artillery.
Wm Tracy, co B, 9th Ala.
Jas Thomas, alias Wilson, 2d Miss Batt.
Chas Thompson, Richmond Zouaves.
W J Underwood, co G, 14th La.
W A Vaus, co I, 28th Ga.
Chas J Vollaire, co I, 10th La.
Jas H Willis, co A, 48th Va.
Geo W Weymack, Norton's Artillery.
Chas Weeks co H, 49th Va.