Richmond Dispatch, 8/2/1862

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From the Richmond Dispatch, 8/2/1862, p. 2, c. 4

RAN AWAY - $100 REWARD. – Ran away on or about 24th May last, from the Tredegar Iron Works, where he was employed, Tim, a negro belonging to Mr. Jas. Duvall, of Caroline county, Va. Tim is a likely young man, 20 or 21 years old, black and straight, about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high. He may be in some of the camps around this city, or may have gone away with some of the regiments that have lately left the neighborhood. The above reward will be paid if taken and secured in jail, so that his master can get him, or if delivered to him near Hanover C. H.; or $25 will be given for such information as will lead to his capture. Address

James Duvall,
Hanover C. H., Va.

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