From the Richmond Dispatch, 8/7/1862, p. 2, c. 4


RICHMOND, Aug. 4th, 1862.

THE following is a list of SOLDIERS confined in CASTLE GODWIN and GUARD HOUSE. The officers of their company or regiment will call and take them out, or have their cases tried:

By order of Major E. GRISWOLD, Provost Marshal.

Assistant Adjutant Gen. and A. P. M.


Ambrose Wm E, co. B, 26th Va reg’t
Abel Rob’t, co. A, 49th Va reg’t
Ainsco, John, co I, 1st Va reg’t
Ainsco, Joseph, co I, 1st Va reg’t
Berry, Jno U, co K, 10th La reg’t
Brooks, Jno, co D, 55th Va reg’t
Bauman, C, co K, 1st Va reg’t
Baker, Henry J, 23d Va reg’t
Blackwell, J. J., co K, 6th Ala reg’t
Byer, Frederick R, co K, 1st Va reg’t
Behrenn, B, 1st Md reg’t
Booker, C. E. C., Montague’s bat
Barry, Patrick, Johnson’s art
Barry, Rich’d, Caskie Rangers
Corwan, Thos, 14th Ga reg’t
Carras, G W, co I, 21st Miss reg’t
Churchill Wm, Guigon’s art
Caroll Capt, Sappers and Miners
Chandler Jas, 40th Va reg’t
Cummings Jno, co I, 5th La reg’t
Courtney Pat’k, Davidson’s art
Carmiday Jno, seaman
Dudley Benj, co C, 26th Va reg’t
Deaton Jno H, co E, 8th Ala reg’t
Devine, Jerry
Daley R, co I, 18th Miss reg’t
Doyne Thos, co A, 10th La reg’t
Donnavan Pat’k, co I, 6th La reg’t
Denny Chas, Caskie Rangers
Edwards Dunbar, co C, 26th Va reg’t
Elliott Pascal, 26th Va reg’t
Edwards M. E, Lee art
Furgusson Jas, Richmond Zouaves
Fisher Geo R, co I, 7th Va reg’t
Farley W H, co C, 9th Ala reg’t
Fendler, Edw’d, DeGourney’s battalion
Ford Geo, co H, 1st Md reg’t
Ford J, co A, 10th La regiment
Garthwright Sam’l, Blake’s artillery
Granger Chas A, Ashland artillery
Gaines Thos, Bell’s dragoons
Gasp Geo, co L, 1st La reg’t
Glassey W E, co B, 18th Miss reg’t
Gilbert Wm, co B, 31st N C
Girth Chas
Hottinger Jno, McGruder battery
Hughes Wm R, 26th Va reg’t
Hart Pat’l, sappers and miners
Hagemeyer Capt, co K, 1st Va reg’t
Harrison Horace, Ashalnd artillery
Henry Wm, alias Paddo
Haley Jno, alias Jno King, Imboden’s battery
Helm Sergt Jno, DeGourney’s battalion
Ison Jas H, James City artillery
Jenkins Henry, co I, 5th, La reg’t
Kellum Wm, 26th Va reg’t
Kelbaugh Geo, co L, 1st Va cavalry
Lillard Serg’t J W, co G, 5th La reg’t
Lynch T, Madison artillery
Mulligan Jno, Eell’s dragoons
Mack Dennis, co G, 17th Va reg’t
Marsh Stephen, co A, DeGourney’s bat’n
Mahoney Jas, Hampton’s artillery
Mason, H C, co E, 49th Va reg’t
Matthews, Geo T, Lee’s art
Morris, Richard, 23d Va reg’t
Martin, Thos, Davidson’s art
Meyer, John, co B, 8th La reg’t
McKey, R E, co B, 18th Miss reg’t
Manness, Thos S, co H, 6th N C reg’t
Mitchell, John D, co E, 59th Va reg’t
Kenoe, M, co G, 17th Miss reg’t
Newell, Thos, Gardner’s Rangers
Nuckles, A T, co I, 49th Va reg’t
Pillsbury, W J, James City art
Pani, H, co K, 1st Va reg’t
Pfaff, W, co K, 1st Va reg’t
Iconium, A Z, paroled prisoner, Capt H Dickinson’s co
Potts, J F, co D, 6th Ala reg’t
Quinn, A S, co I, 19th Va reg’t
Reardon, J W, co G, 1st Ky reg’t
Rodgers, A, co F, 14th La reg’t
Ruben, Calvin, co B, 47th N C reg’t
Rodgers, Willard, co C, 47th N C reg’t
Roach, John H, Parker’s art
Ragland, Wm H, co E, 16th Va reg’t
Shaffer, Henry, La Zouaves
Salusky, Lewis, Richmond Zouaves
Sperin, Jno, co B, 19th Ga reg’t
Swain, A W, co C, 14th La reg’t
Scott, C B, Lee’s art
Smith, Thos, Hawley’s Rangers
Schad, Adam, co D, 3d Ala reg’t
Stergel, Chas, Johnson’s art
Smith, W T, Ashland art
Smith, John, co E, 1st N C reg’t
Stewart, R J, co E, 18th Miss reg’t
Shelton, Jno M, co L, 55th Va reg’t
Thompson, Benj J, Ewell’s dragoons
Tucker, Wm P, co C, 26th Va reg’t
Tucker, Wm, Caskie’s art
Underwood, W J, 14th La reg’t
Westmoreland, P, co I, 7th N C reg’t
Warner, Alex, Gov Mounted Guard
Wagner, Geo
Wright, R W, co B, 9th La reg’t
Willis, Jas H, co A, 46th Va reg’t
Willmer, Jas E, co I, 49th Va reg’t
Young W B, co K, 6th Ala reg’t


F Hester, co H, 23d Va reg’t
H Burnett, co D, 37th Va reg’t
T Hester, United art
Jas J McKinney
M Harrington
Henry Bless, co G, 14th La reg’t
J D Sims, co F, 48th Ala reg’t
Benj Brice, Co J, 47th Ala reg’t
B Feeney, co E, 44th Va reg’t
T B Feeney, co G, 6th Ala reg’t
Jas Taylor, co F, 19th Va reg’t
M L Taylor, co F, 19th Va reg’t
Wm Bruce, co C, 1st Ga reg’t
J W Shaw, co L, 1st Ga reg’t
C Pouilatiar, co A, DeGourney art
G L Penton, co F, 27th Va reg’t
Patrick Donohoe, co A, 8th La reg’t
M G Fleenor, co I, 48th Va reg’t
A G Music, co H, 47th Ala reg’t
James Lang, co H, 47th Ala reg’t
T W Music, co L, 22d N C reg’t
Wm Prince, co H, 47th Ala reg’t
James Brice, co H, 47th Ala reg’t
M E Thomps, co L, 22d N C reg’t
T Murphy, co F, 1st Ga reg’t
J Huckaboy, co K, 8th S C reg’t
Wm Warrick, co H, 40th Va reg’t
J Hefler, co D, 21st Miss reg’t
J Hill, co C, 1st Ga reg’t
J N Bain, co A, 59th Va reg’t
A Brady, co D, 6th Ala reg’t
Wm Reagan, co A, 8th La reg’t
John Hart, co F, 1st Ga reg’t
James Tucker, co D, 1st Tenn reg’t
J Rutledge, co L, 40th Va reg’t
John Barry, co B, 8th Ala reg’t
C Billheimer, co I, 1st Va cav
J W Dawson, co A, 10th Va bat’y
W A Osborn, co D, 1st Tenn reg’t
W P Ingram, co L, 55th Va reg’t
B Davis, co L, 55th Va reg’t
J Davis, co L, 55th Va reg’t
J Chrismon, co C, Grimes’s art
E F Shelton, co I, 21st N C reg’t
L Harrison, co I, 21st N C reg’t
L Breedlove, co I, 21st N C reg’t
John Faley, co I, 21st N C reg’t
M Breedlove, co I, 22d N C reg’t
J Donly, co A, 8th Ala reg’t
O T Herndon, 18th Ala reg’t
Jerry Rhine
Wm Buchanan, co E, 44th Va reg’t
J M White, 48th Va reg’t
W Hussey, co F, 15th N C reg’t
John Dorkan, 1st Md reg’t
J Brickle, Alexander art
N H Staton, Calhoun bat’ry
Chas Akehurst, co B, 1st Md reg’t
George Youngblood, co L, 1st Ga reg’t
H Ellis, co B, 4th S C reg’t
W Long, Storr’s partisan rangers
Wm Tully, Storr’s partisan rangers
G A Jenkins, co B, 24th Va reg’t
James Coley, co D, 37th Va reg’t
M J Calligan, Reed’s bat’ry
G W Phillips, Rice’s bat’ry
Jas Letcher, co B, 1st Tenn reg’t
Chas King, co K, 6th Ala reg’t
J H Nye, co A, 28th Va reg’t
M Galkin, co D, 14th La reg’t
C Million, co D, 14th La reg’t
H Gilland, Reed’s bat’y
Jas Dunn, 44th Va reg’t
M Murnan, Lt Martin’s partisan rangers
T Looney, Lt Martin’s partisan rangers
H Sweeney, co D, 16th Miss reg’t
Wm Kenney
John O’Donnell
M Cloud
M Gabrial, co B, 7th La reg’t
T McMahon, Pendleton’s art
M Blair, co F, 16th Va reg’t
Chas Grace, Norton’s H A
John Foster, 22d N C reg’t
S Trogdon, 22d N C reg’t
J H Williams, co C, 1st La reg’t
M L Powell, 61st Va reg’t
W J Winder, co M, 61st Va reg’t
J S Clarke, co M, 61st Va reg’t
Wm Rutherford, co E, 49th Va reg’t
L T Greene, co B, 61st Va reg’t
J Settle, co D, 49th Va reg’t
H Davis, 32d N C reg’t
Festus Hill, co G, 49th Va reg’t
W J Grigsby, co G, 49th Va reg’t
J Horton, co G, 49th Va reg’t
B Settle, co G, 49th Va reg’t
L B Davis, 32d N C reg’t
H Goin, 6th Va reg’t
Z C Fitzgerald, citizen


Wm Dudley, co F, 19th Va reg’t
Thos Story, co H, 41st Va reg’t
L Alexander, La Zouaves
Wm Collins, Charles City Guards
G T Twells
A StClair
G Leary, co C, 19th Miss reg’t
N J Bland, co L, 48th Ala reg’t
Wm Godfrey, Norton’s heavy art
A H Adler
B P Sheflett

au 7 – 3t





Page last updated on 07/24/2009