From the Richmond Dispatch, 9/25/1862, p. 2, c. 3

Gathering Up Arms. – Mr. G. M. Young has been appointed by the Secretary of War agent to visit all of the houses in the city of Richmond, for the purpose collecting all arms and accoutrements that may have been left, at any time, by soldiers and others, and which can be made of use to the Confederate States in the present war. He has already succeeded in collecting together four or five thousand stand of arms, and a proportionate quantity of accoutrements. Yesterday, to enforce his authority in the direction of Rocketts old field, a guard was detailed by Capt. Alexander, A. P. M., to accompany Mr. Young, who succeeded in gathering up a considerable number of muskets, rides, &c., which otherwise would never have been heard of. The call of our Generals in Tennessee and Kentucky for weapons to put in the hands of the volunteers who are constantly flocking to their standards may explain the anxiety for arms.





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