Richmond Dispatch, 9/29/1862

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From the Richmond Dispatch, 9/29/1862, p. 2, c. 5


Mayor’s Court, Sept. 27th, 1862.— The following cases were before the Mayor on Saturday:

John McDonald, for beating Elvira, the wife of his brother Richard, was required to give security for his good behavior. A complaint of the same nature was made against Richard McDonald by Bridget, wife of John, but it was dismissed.

Washington Logan, a free negro, and Dick, slave of Edmund Brown, charged by P. J. Archer with the theft of a pocket-book containing $300, from an open desk in his office, were remanded for trial on the second Monday in October.

Barney McNunn, John Brennan, and James Cavanagh, three Irishmen, from Camp Lee, were arrested and sent to prison for being drunk and fighting in the street.

John Cooke, charged with stealing a watch, two boxes of blacking, and a paper of ground ginger, from Catharine Haley, was remanded for further examination before the Court of Hustings on the 3d day of October.

Francis Haley, charged with being drunk, disorderly, and beating his wife, was required to give surety in the sum of $150 for good behavior, and to answer an indictment.

John Murphy was charged with keeping a disorderly house. Witnesses testified that the whole neighborhood, especially the patients in Dr. Higginbotham's Hospital, were annoyed by the cursing and swearing, and noisy brawls, between Murphy and his wife. Murphy said that he had not the least intention of disturbing the neighborhood, but was proud of the late victories our army had gained, and wished to celebrate them. He was required to give security for his future good behavior.

John McCarty, formerly a member of Wheat's battalion, but now a substitute, charged — Pendergrast with assisting Bill Lewis to garrote him and rob him of $4.50. The case was continued until Monday, and Pendergrast, who held a pistol to McCarty's head and threatened to kill him if he made an alarm, was remanded to jail.

Benj. Gottlieb, charged with stealing two hogs, of the value of $50, was committed to prison until Monday.

George Ellering, for allowing an offensive nuisance to remain on his lot, was fined $10.

The case of John Murray, for stabbing Michael Leary and Jas. McCormick, was continued for ten days.

The case of John Drew, charged with stealing $63, was also continued for ten days.

Hustings Court.—On Saturday the following cases were tried before Judge Lyons:

Roger Kenan, indicted for stealing money from J. S. Bonyer, was convicted and sent to the penitentiary for five years.

Dennis Lynch, indicted for stabbing and cutting a man named Shea, was acquitted.

Antonio Solice, indicted for stealing a quantity of bacon from W. K. Smith, was convicted and sent to the penitentiary for three years.






Page last updated on 02/07/2008