From the Richmond Dispatch, 4/28/1862

Burying Soldiers Prematurely. – Most, if not all, of the soldiers who die in the various hospitals located in this city, are interred at Oakwood Cemetery, in the eastern suburbs. – It cannot be supposed when so many men are to be attended to, that all can have that care and attention bestowed on them that they would get at home or here under more favourable auspices, consequently many become food for worms that might otherwise be living. It does seem, however, eminently proper that when, to all appearance, the poor volunteer has shuffled off this mortal coil, his body should be retained a sufficient length of time to put the truth beyond doubt. We fear this is not always done. Anxiety for the living swallows no respect for the dead, and the remains of the latter are often hurried precipitately to the place of interment. It would seem that there should be attached to each hospital a place for the temporary deposit of those who die or who are supposed to have died from disease. We are led to make these suggestion from having heard that on two occasions recently, parties who were about being subject to the rites of burial in Oakwood Cemetery had signified their disapprobation of the proceeding while on their way thither. The driver of the hearse in one instance, as we hear, was horrified at the vigorous manifestations of the supposed defunct, and quickly carried him to a place where he could be released from his unpleasant predicament. In another instance, as we learn, Mr. Radford, keeper of the cemetery, having undoubted assurance, from the knocking and exclamations of the subject, opened the coffin and sent the supposed dead man back for further medical treatment. While attaching no blame to any one, the matter is mentioned in the hope that it will induce a caution that experience has abundantly shown to be necessary.

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