From the Richmond Dispatch, 7/8/1862

The Prisoners. – Only twenty-two captured Yankees arrived in Richmond on Saturday. There were on that day about 4,000 in confinement here. Lieut. Thos. P. Turner, a vigilant and capable young officer, has general charge of the whole number, assisted by Lt. G. M. Emack as Adjutant of the post, and E. W. Ross as Clerk. An efficient guard is detailed daily, under the direction of the two first named officers. The task of keeping in order and attending to the various wants of such an aggregate of sin and depravity as is presented by these prisoners, is no easy one. The captives are divided around the different places appropriated for their reception, as follows: In Libby’s buildings, about 1,468 well and 637 wounded; in Greanor and Palmer’s factories about 1,450, and in Barrett’s factory, on Main street, about 1,268. Lieut. Shinn has charge of the prisoners in Greanor and Palmer’s factories, and Lieut. Costillo of those in Barrett’s. Mr. John M. Francisco acts as Clerk of the latter prison. As most of the places of holding any considerable body of men are now in use, it is contemplated, in case any considerable addition is made to the number, to quarter them in one of the large mills on the Basin Bank. The Yankee officers, as heretofore intimated, are all in one building, on 18th, between Main and Cary streets.

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