From the Richmond Dispatch, 8/4/1862
Made His Escape. - On calling the roll of the Yankee
officers yesterday morning one of them, named Marston, a lieutenant in a New
York regiment was found missing, having disappeared during the night, whether by
the negligence of the guard or otherwise is not known. His fellow captives
disavowed all knowledge of his whereabouts, or the means he took to effect his
liberation. On the fact being reported to Lieut. Turner, commandant of the
prison, measures were immediately taken to effect his arrest. It is hardly
probable he can get very far without falling into the hands of our pickets.
P. S. – Since the above was written we have learned that
several other Yankee officers, besides Masters, effected their escape either on
Friday or Saturday night. Why they were permitted to do so remains to be
accounted for. The following officers were missing at roll-call yesterday, viz:
Lieut.-Col W. B. Hatch, Capt. J. M. Oakley, 1st Lieut. W. B. Masters,
2d Lieuts. Wm. Biddle and T. A. Murphy.
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