From the Richmond Dispatch, 8/4/1862, p. 1, c. 7

Departure of Yankee Prisoners. - Six hundred Yankee prisoners were sent from Richmond yesterday morning, via Petersburg railroad, to City Point, under flag of truce, where they were delivered into the hands of the Lincoln officers appointed to receive and convey them to the realms of Yankeedom. Of this number, two hundred and fifty were sent from the C. S. Military Prison, corner of 20th and Cary streets, and were composed of men more or less wounded. Three hundred and fifty men slightly wounded, or much debilitated by camp fever and other diseases, came from Belle Island. - It is said that when one of our officers went to the Island, Saturday, and announced the intention of sending home a certain number of those most prostrated by sickness, it was with great difficulty a selection could be made as simultaneously with the announcement, over 4,000 men were taken violently ill. Finally, 350, who presented in their persons unmistakable evidence of physical suffering, were chosen out of the large number of candidates. There now remain on the island about 4,100 prisoners and 400 at the C. S. Military prison in this city. The removal of those sent away yesterday as effected very quietly; but few persons were on Cary street when the long line of limping and disabled Lincolnites wended their way to the Petersburg depot.

Among the prisoners sent away was Mrs. R. Frazier, the Yankee woman captured at the White House, and who asserted that she went there to wait on Gen. Sumner and several of her personal friends, alleged to have been sick in that locality. Her colloquial power was most extensive. After being brought to Richmond and inserted in Castle Godwin, the officers in charge respectfully asked to be relieved of her presence, as the diarrhea of words, not of the choice kind, with which she constantly afflicted them was past human endurance. The Southern people may confidently expect a dozen columns of twaddle about “experiences” in Dixie from this strong-minded disciple of Greeley. Prior to her departure she had the candor to acknowledge that she did not believe the South could ever be subjugated - a remark she said she had made to the Abolition General Sumner, which he answered by a look of incredulity. Mrs. Frazier was taken from her room over the Assistant P. M.’s office at an early hour yesterday morning, and conveyed in a hack to the Military Prison. Arriving there, she was requested to alight, but she swore she would die first, as she had gotten in the carriage to go home, and did not intend to go anywhere else. In reply to her question, what building it was, she was informed that it was used as a receptacle for her countrymen, when she shook her fist with indignation at the disabled Yankees and yelled out to them that they nor she would have occupied their present position had they fought like rebels. Her remarks were deemed offensive by those to whom they were addressed, and after the lady was carried among them they contrived a plan to annoy her by getting up sundry letters to Gen. Winder, (an abomination in her eyes,) requesting him to detain her in Richmond, as neither useful nor ornamental to them. The fact being communicated to her with becoming gravity by a Confederate officer she then exhibited the first signs of being a woman, by shedding a few tears. - She was finally made aware of the joke, and afterwards conducted herself more quietly, though it is said she did rave and rant a great deal on being locked up in one of the ladies’ cabins on board the cars.

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