From the Richmond Daily Dispatch, 6 January 1864
Entering a Storehouse – Joseph Johnson and John Shinn, charged with
breaking and entering a C. S. storehouse, near Castle Thunder, with the
intention of stealing Yankee clothing, were before the Mayor yesterday for
examination. The sentinel on duty at the storehouse heard a noise inside between
4 and 5 o’clock in the morning, and, reporting the fact to the Sergeant of the
post, the room was entered by the guard, who found the prisoners in the
immediate vicinity of several boxes which had been broken open. They also
discovered that a bar to one of the windows had been removed, making an entrance
sufficiently large for the prisoners to pass through. The prisoners proved by
one of the sentinels that they were both very drunk a few hours before their
arrest, leaving it to be inferred that they entered the warehouse without
knowing where they were. After hearing the witnesses and remarks of counsel, the
prisoners were remanded for a further hearing before the Hustings Court.
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