From the Richmond Dispatch, 9/27/1900
Will Occur at 4 o’Clock To-Morrow – Relatives Expected To-day.
The funeral of Miss Elizabeth L. Van Lew will occur a 4’
o’clock to-morrow afternoon at the residence. The time was fixed last night,
after the condition of the body had been examined by Undertaker Bliley. The
funeral has been postponed until this late hour in order that all the relations
of the deceased may be present at the obsequies.
Up to this writing only Mrs. J. J. Hall, of Medford, Mass.,
has arrived. It is expected that all will be present by tonight.
The name of Mr. Barnes Blair has been added to the list of
pall-bearers already published in the Dispatch.
A general invitation has been extended to all relatives and
friends of the deceased to attend the funeral.
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