From the Richmond Enquirer, 11/18/1861, p. 3, c. 6THE CONFEDERATE STATES PRISON AND THEIR DISCIPLINE. - We regret to have noticed in certain intelligent and influential quarters, a disposition to make the attempted escape of a few prisoners of war from the city, the basis of repeated and sweeping charges of inefficiency and official neglect against the courteous and energetic officers under whose control have been placed the several Confederate States prisons in Richmond. We are confident that no injustice has been purposely intended these gentlemen, and are therefore led to believe that the censure thus freely bestowed sprang from an entire misapprehension not only of the facts, but also of the circumstances connected with the escapes referred to. When it comes to be considered, that the prisoners, now exceeding 2,000 in number, occupy seven large tobacco warehouses, scattered over a large area; that their guard is but one hundred and fifty men, taken indiscriminately from new regiments of untrained volunteers, less than one-third of whom are on duty at any one time; that the officers permanently on duty at the prisons are only four, viz: a captain and three lieutenants; and that out of an aggregate of 2,775 prisoners confined in Richmond, but six altogether have escaped, and two of those by violation of their paroles. When these circumstances, we repeat, come to be intelligently or justly considered, we are sure that the untiring vigilance and the judicious energy which we believe have been manifested in every official act of these officers will challenge ready recognition and the highest commendation. The following gentlemen compose the officers of the Prison Board: Capt. G. C. Gibbs, of Florida, Provost Marshal. * Lieut. Bradford is an only son of the Governor elect of Maryland. Differing from his father in his political views, he left Baltimore a few days after the affair of the 19th of April, and entered the service of the South as a private. His promotion has been at the suggestion of President Davis.
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