From the Richmond Enquirer, 12/18/1861, p. 3, c. 6CAPTAIN RICKETTS. - Capt. J. B. Ricketts and wife depart for the North, via Norfolk, this morning. Capt. Joseph De Lagnel will be returned for Captain Ricketts. Capt. Ricketts, it will be remembered, was wounded at the battle of Manassas. Himself and Mrs. Ricketts have been the recipients of kind attentions from our most distinguished citizens, during their stay in Richmond. Mrs. Jefferson Davis, Mrs. Joseph E. Johnston, Mrs. A. C. Myers, Mrs. Sam'l Cooper and others have vied in their sympathies with Capt. and Mrs. Ricketts. And it is supposed they leave the Confederacy with a better opinion than seems to be entertained of us among their people. If so, we trust they will enlighten the ignorance of their friends in the North.
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