From the Richmond Enquirer, 5/15/1861, p. 1, c. 3Destructive Fire. A fire broke out yesterday in the large Wholesale Grocery and Commission House of Bridgford & Company, corner of 20th and Cary streets, which resulted in the speedy destruction of that building, and also the adjoining Wholesale Grocery and Ship Chandlery establishment of James H. Beegleston. The fire communicated to the “Old Quaker Church,” and to Dibrell’s Ware house, but was arrested in time to save them. Luther Libby’s Warehouse, on the opposite side of the street, was seriously threatened, but escaped altogether. The fire companies acted with their accustomed promptness, and succeeded beyond the expectations of the lookers on in the quickness with which they arrested the devouring element. A lighter draught steam engine is needed, to enable the firemen to get around buildings with greater facility. The houses consumed belonged to E. Berkeley, Esq., one of the legatees(?) in the estate of the late John Enders. The loss is estimated at $30,000, the whole of which, we learn, is covered by insurance in the several offices of this city. Mr. E. Bossieux’s stable and blacksmith shop adjoining Mr. Beegleston’s warehouse, was also destroyed, by the walls of the warehouse falling in upon, crushing it down and setting fire to the ruins. Mr. Bossieux loses one or two thousand dollars by the destruction of his property.
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