From the Richmond Enquirer, 5/3/1861, p. 1, c. 7

Below will be found a correct list of the Southern Cadets who left the Military Academy at West Point, New York, last week, and have safely reached Virginia. A large party of them have arrived here. They all propose to enter the military service, and have high ambition  to render the most effective aid in the struggle for Southern Independence. Those from Virginia will apply for commissions in the regular army now to be raised for the State’s quota of troops, and will be transferred to the army of the Confederate States when Virginia is fully admitted into the Southern Confederacy, with same relative rank as if they were admitted now to the Army of the South.

They came by way of Harrisburg, Pittsburg, Wheeling, Harper’s Ferry, from the Point of Rocks by wagon to Leesburg, Va., and thence by Manassa[sic] gap Railroad to Alexandria; and were nearly five days on the route from New York city to this city.


1st Class – John Pelham, from Ala.; Geo. A. Thornton, Va.; Thos. L. Rosser, Texas.

2d Class – William R. Jones, Va. Paul F. Faison, N. C.; R. H. Logan, Va.; Z. T. Willet, Tenn.; Wm. F. Niemeyer, Va.; A. D. Moore, N. C.; D. G. White, Md.; Wm. H. Browne, Va.

3d Class – George S. Lovejoy, N. C.; James Dearing, Va.; Geo. W. Clayton, N. C.; H. D. Twyman, Va.; E. M’E. Ross, Tenn.

4th Class – Rice E. Graves, Ky.; J. B. Washington, Va.; Wm. E. Gibson, Va.; C. H. Conner, Tenn.; R. S. Kinney, Va.; R. B. Cowan, N. C.


5th Class – Wm. Waller, Va.; Thos. P. Turner, Va.; E. W. B. Anderson, Fla.; Frank J. Masi, Va.; B. A. Terrett, La.; J. E. Murray, Ark.; James M. Fetter, Ky.; James W. Dale, Del.; Jas. A. Craige, N. C.; Lewis E. Woods, La. 

Page last updated on 07/24/2009