From the Richmond Enquirer, 8/31/1861, p. 3, c. 2"Sycamore Church" of this city, has established a hospital to aid in taking care of the sick and wounded soldiers. The managers have already about thirty patients under their charge. The Sunday School rooms of the Church have been appropriated to this purpose. The Superintendents say: "We appeal to our brethren and friends in the country, and the South generally, denied by virtue of their location personal service in the matter, to aid us in this work of patriotism and Christian beneficence." The following articles are requested: money, clothing, butter, meats, lard, poultry, eggs, meal, ice, &c. Address all packages to the "Superintendents of Sycamore Hospital," Richmond, Va. We are requested to say that the regular Church services on tomorrow at 11, and at 4 ½ P. M., will be held as usual, not being interfered with by the hospital.
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