Richmond Enquirer, 9/23/1861 |
From the Richmond Enquirer, 9/23/1861, p. 3, c. 2RE-CAPTURE OF FUGITIVE YANKEES. - Capt. G. W. Street, of the Essex Greys, reached this city Saturday afternoon, having in custody two Yankee prisoners, named T. G. Lanigan and G. W. Ward, who effected their escape from one of the prisons here in company with nine others, about a fortnight ago. - The fugitives were caught by a picket guard of Capt. Street’s company, near the town of Drumsville, on the Rappahannock. They appeared much fatigued and travel-worn, and declared that they had subsisted upon such few grains of wheat, corn, &c., as they could manage to secure from the fields at night. - They were at once restored to their old quarters in Harwood’s factory. The entire party of eleven fugitives have now been recaptured and returned to this city, with the exception of Capt. Hard, and Lieutenants Murphy and Raynor, who will be brought here in a day or two. Yesterday afternoon’s train on the Central road, brought back three of the five Yankees who escaped a few nights ago. Their names are Sinclair, Buck and Blaike. They were re-captured in King William county.
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