Richmond Enquirer, 12/10/1861 |
From the Richmond Enquirer, 12/10/1861
CLOTHING FOR THE MASSACHUSETTS PRISONERS OF WAR. - The State authorities of Massachusetts has at last undertaken to bestow upon her soldiers, now held as prisoners of war by the Southern Confederacy, that care and humane consideration which it is the bounden duty of the Lincoln Government to have rendered, but which, nevertheless, they have wholly neglected to do. We mean the providing their captive soldiers with clothing and other articles absolutely necessary to their comfort and their health during the winter. It appears from the invoice received in this city a day or two ago, by Gen. John H. Winder, via Fortress Monroe, together with three boxes containing a portion of the articles enumerated, that John H. Reed, the Quartermaster General of Massachusetts, has forwarded to Lieut. Charles L. Pierson, Adjutant of the 20th Massachusetts regiment, and now a prisoner of war in this city, the following supplies for distribution among all the Massachusetts troops now held as prisoners by the Southern Confederacy, and numbering in all about three hundred and fifty privates and officers: 850 blankets As above stated only a small portion of this invoice has been received, comprising 30 overcoats, 40 blankets and 200 shirts. The three boxes in which they are contained are thus marked: "To Major General Wool, Only a portion of the three hundred and fifty Massachusetts soldiers referred to are now in Richmond, the remainder were sent to Tuscaloosa, Ala., some weeks ago. The distribution of clothing will be made at an early day, under the direction of Lieut. Pierson.
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