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From Lieut. Davis of the Army, |
$5.00 |
From Mrs. A. E. Martin, proceeds of a concert given by Young Ladies, of Tuskegee, Ala, |
81.00 |
From Hon. Thomas H. Watts, money contributed by Ladies of Alabama, for building gunboat. |
1,819.00 |
From John P. Cook, of Alabama, through Hon. Thomas H. Watts, |
50.00 |
From Mrs. M. W. Harman, of Alabama, through Hon. Thomas H. Watts, |
50.00 |
From Committee of Selma, Ala, through J. R. Johns, |
85.00 |
From W. P. Molett, of Alabama, through Tyler & Allegre |
101.10 |
From Citizens of Talladega, Ala., through Hon. J. L. M. Curry, |
461.50 |
Total, |
$2,652.60 |
Two large boxes of shirts, drawers, feather pillows, pillow-cases, sheets, quilts, bandages, lint, soap, pickles, wines, bitters, syrups, and other hospital supplies from Ladies’ Aid Society, Dayton, Ala, per Mrs. Fannie Rembert.
Two large boxes of comforts, pillows, pillow-cases, shoes, drawers, &c, from Ladies’ Aid Society, Orrville, Ala.
One barrel soap, and one box of shirts, drawers, sheets, pillow-cases and cordial, from Ladies’ Aid Society, Antioch, Coosa county, Ala.
Four boxes of hospital stores, mattress, pillows, comforts, sheets, wine, cat-sup, rice-flour, sage, slippery elm, cordial, &c., through Major Vandeveer of the Alabama Depot.
Twelve packages of lint and bandages from the Ladies of Jonesboro’, Jefferson county, Ala.
Three boxes containing six bottles cordial, three large cans orange marmalade, one do of fig do, one box white sugar, two pounds of green tea, one can peaches, eight bottles decoction of elder, one dozen peach cordial and two packages lint and bandages, from Mrs. Mary Ludlow, of Mobile, Ala.
oct 16 – d&w1t
Copyright © 2008 Civil War Richmond Inc. |
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