From the Richmond Enquirer,
10/21/1862, p. 2, c. 5

ESCAPE OF A CONVICT UNDER SENTENCE OF DEATH. – Some time during the night of Sunday, the deserter, Dan Rogers, alias Riley, formerly of the 1st Virginia Regiment, who had been sentenced to be shot on Saturday last, but was respited until the Saturday ensuing, made his escape from Castle Thunder. He was confined on the second floor of the building, in a front apartment, which contains a window opening upon a balcony. Traces of his egress show that he got out of the window, proceeded to the west end of the balcony, and let himself down near the window of the clerk’s office. A sentinel patrols this beat day and night – sentinels, in fact, are kept constantly on guard all around and inside of the building. How he managed to escape under these circumstances appears to be a mystery. Several of the sentinels have been arrested.


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