We present below the report of the
Senate Committee on Hospitals, to which we alluded in Thursday’s issue. The
printers made us say on that occasion that the report was then presented; but
the reader readily saw that it was the bill, as passed by the Senate, which then
We publish this report, not only
for its interest, but because of the deep feeling which the subject of hospitals
has excited throughout the Confederacy. This report will disabuse the public
mind in many particulars and instruct it in others: Report of the Select
Committee appointed by the Senate of the Confederate States to examine into the
condition of Hospitals, and report by bill or otherwise.
The Select Committee appointed by
the Senate to investigate the complaints of the sick and wounded in the
hospitals, and to inspect the same, ask leave to submit the following report:
The numerous complaints made
throughout the country, and through the public press, in reference to the
condition of the Army Hospitals, and the treatment there received by the sick
and wounded, made the subject one of deep and earnest solicitude on the part of
Congress and the public generally. Some member of the Committee, has visited in
person, all the public hospitals located in and near the city of Petersburg, and
all the principal hospital in and near the city of Richmond, making a most
thorough examination into their several conditions, as it related to their
cleanliness, the attention and care bestowed upon the sick, the condition of the
beds and bedding, the food and diet allowed and provided, and the general wants,
defects and necessities of the same. In undertaking to discharge the duties
assigned them by the Senate, it was the purpose of the Committee to make their
examination thorough and complete. To this end they availed themselves of all
the information they could obtain by conversing with the sick and the surgeons
in charge, with the determination of submitting to Congress the whole truth,
whether painful or agreeable, and now, after having made this examination,
realize the most agreeable satisfaction in reporting, that though many of the
complaints made by the sick, are well founded in fact, yet they are in no manner
attributable to the inattention or neglect of the surgeons in charge.
All these complaints relate to
causes over which the Medical Department have no control, under existing laws,
and therefore can afford no remedy.
They principally relate to a want
of proper food or diet, to proper clothing and nursing. As it regards the
condition of the hospitals, their appearance generally is that of institutions
well conducted, indeed, in most cases, excellently conducted, when we take into
consideration the attendant circumstances. - The beds and bedding were generally
clean, the room well ventilated, the floors, dining rooms and culinary
departments all neat and in good order; the patients, in most instances,
comfortable and cheerful; especially was this the case in all hospitals visited,
or in any manner superintended by ladies. In making this report the committee do
not intend to be understood as conveying the idea that all our hospitals are
equally well managed, and that all present the same appearance of neatness,
comfort and order. They do not. There was not only a difference in the mere
appearance of the hospitals themselves, but a very striking difference in the
appearance and cheerfulness of their inmates. Those presenting an appearance
less neat, however, for them exception to the general character of the whole.
Having said this much, it would appear as a matter of justice to those not
embraced within the exceptional class as above defined, that specifications
should be made. - In attempting to do this the committee feel that they might
still do a greater wrong not because this exceptional class have succeeded so
well in their undertaking, or perhaps exercised as much taste and vigilance in
the discharge of their duties, but rather because they seem to have done, and
still seem anxious to do, all they can under the circumstances.
The man who strives with a zeal
worthy of success, and who yet fails to succeed so completely and perfectly as
another ought not hastily to be condemned. He should rather be upheld and
strengthened in his efforts, because integrity of purpose and sleepless
vigilance will finally prevail. Your Committee feel assured that it is the
universal desire of all those having in charge the hospitals visited by them, to
render to our sick and wounded all the aid and assistance they can. They urge
anxiously, every reform in the whole system that promises this result, and your
Committee are equally anxious that the Congress should perform promptly and
availably its duty in the premises. The number of sick and wounded, now in the
hospitals, is not so large as heretofore. The number dangerously ill is
comparatively small. A large majority now in the hospitals, being soldiers, who
from general debility, resulting from exposure in camps, the heat of summer and
long marches, have been unable to remain with their regiments on the march, and
therefore have been sent to the hospitals to rest and recruit. This large class,
in a few weeks, are generally sufficiently restored in health to rejoin their
A majority of those dangerously
ill, were laboring under attacks of Typhoid Fever, Typhoid Pneumonia,
Erysipelas, and Chronic Diarrhea.
As before stated, the general
complaints made by the sick, relate to a want of proper food, both in quantity
and quality; a proper preparation of it, additional clothing and competent and
skillful nurses. It is not, under existing laws and regulations, in the power of
surgeons in charge to remove these grounds of complaint. They grow out of the
imperfection of the system itself, and can only be remedied by Congress.
The supplies furnished, are not of
a quality suitable for the sick. This was the universal opinion upon the
subject. The Surgeons cannot obtain suitable supplies of food, because the
hospital fund is not sufficient for the purpose, and they have no other means at
their disposal.
They now have the greatest
difficulty in obtaining the limited supply of poultry, vegetables, &c., now used
in the hospitals, and are compelled to pay the most exorbitant prices for them.
The quantity they do obtain is not sufficient for the necessities of the sick.
After having exhausted the
hospital fund, they can buy no more, and are then compelled to take whatever
supplies the commissary may furnish, whether suitable or not. For this very
serious cause of complaint there is one remedy in the power of Congress, and
that remedy may be made complete and efficacious, and that is, to increase the
hospital fund. Under existing regulations this fund is formed in the hands of
the commissary, by the Government allowing for each ration not drawn for the use
of the sick the sum of thirty cents. This fund or amount rather, may be drawn by
the Surgeon, and be expended for such articles are not furnished by the
commissary. The ration that the sick soldier does not draw, at present prices,
costs the Government about one dollar. It ought certainly to be worth as much
when purchased by the Government from a sick soldier in the army, as when
purchased from another person not in the army. Let the Government, then, pay as
much for it, and in doing this it will be doing only even handed justice to all
parties. To enlarge this hospital fund, so as to make it sufficient for all
purposes, let the Government allow for each ration not drawn the sum of one
dollar, instead of thirty cents, as now allowed. Should it be urged in
opposition to this, that this fund might become too large, and be liable to
waste or embezzlement, it may be replied that the fund never passes into the
surgeon’s hands until required, but remains in the hands of the commissary, who
is a bonded officer of the Government. To guard against all chances of fraud,
the act enlarging the fund can provide that when the fund shall exceed a certain
amount, the excess shall be placed in the public treasury to the credit of the
hospital, and alone subject to the order of Congress. Should this fund be
increased in the manner as above stated, great economy may be practised in
procuring supplies for the hospitals, by allowing surgeons in charge to appoint
one or more agents, to proceed to the country, and there make such purchases as
may be needed. The sick, above all things, desire and require a change of diet.
The food they require is generally simple, such as buttermilk, vegetables,
poultry, &c., but this they ought to have. To make the whole matter complete,
when the fund is enlarged and the agent appointed, let the Government provide
him with a general transportation ticket upon all railroads and canals, when in
the service of the hospital, and let all railroad agents, and agents and
officers of canal boats be compelled promptly and without delay to transport all
such articles as may be purchased for the use of hospitals, to the place or
places required: and to guard against all fraud on the part of this agent, let
him be required every week or two weeks to render an account, sworn to and
verified by vouchers. Unless some such system be adopted, the sick in the
hospitals will continue to complain and continue to suffer.
When winter approaches the
difficulties will increase. If Congress will perform its duty, all this may be
averted, and their action in t he premises will meet the approval of all good
men. Worst in the series of complaints is the want of additional clothing, a
proper preparation of the food, and better and more competent nurses.
These are serious causes of
complaint, but can be easily removed without much difficulty or expense. In most
instances, when the sick soldier enters the hospital he has but one suit of
clothing, and that upon his back, and generally all soiled and stiff with dirt.
The surgeon in charge cannot furnish more suitable clothing, because he has none
to furnish. They are evidently necessary for more purposes than one, and should
be had if possible, because cleanliness is not only necessary to general health,
but is essentially so in a hospital. To remedy this difficulty, each surgeon in
charge of a hospital can be authorized to draw from the quartermaster a number
of suits of clothing, especially pants, shirts and drawers, equal to the number
of beds in his hospital, to be denominated and kept as hospital clothing, to be
used alone by the sick, and turned over to the hospital steward when the soldier
recovers, and leaves the hospital to rejoin his regiment.
The nurses and ward matrons now
acting in the hospitals are generally selected and chosen from the convalescent
soldiers, who in most cases are without experience, and hence know but little of
the very delicate and important duties they are required to perform. In addition
to this, it may be asserted with truth, that as a general thing, soldiers in
most instances are less qualified, and therefore make the most indifferent and
careless nurses that could be selected.
Familiar with hardships and
suffering, they become, to some extent, callous and indifferent. Under existing
regulations, should one now and then display qualities that render him efficient
and competent for these duties, it is not in the power of the surgeons in charge
to retain him. He is liable at any time to be ordered to duty in the field, and
hence his place must then be supplied by another without experience. This system
of constant change, fills your hospitals with awkward and the inefficient nurses
and ward-masters. And, too, it is well known to all persons of observation that
nursing and attending upon the sick, is, to some extent, a talent or gift not
possessed by all men. A good nurse must not only be active and attentive, he
must also be kind, patient and sympathetic. But few men possess these qualities
in a very high degree, when required to display them in a sick chamber, where
during each minute and hour for days, weeks and months they are constantly taxed
and called into requisition. Hence, when such qualities are evinced, it should
be in the power of the surgeon, upon requisition, to have such men permanently
detailed for this duty, and only to be removable by him for inattention or
neglect. - This will give you competent ward-masters and nurses for your
hospitals, as far as the necessities of the hospitals, may make their services
important. And for certain purposes they are important and cannot be dispensed
with. It is also well known that men generally have but little capacity in
preparing delicacies, suitable to the taste of the sick, and yet this is of the
highest importance. A sick man not only requires a suitable diet, suitably
prepared, but he also requires a comfortable bed, a quiet chamber, and tender
and faithful nursing. To secure these important results, your committee
recommend, that each surgeon of a hospital, or the division of a hospital, be
required to substitute in all cases where it may be done with propriety,
competent female nurses, to the extent of the number now allowed by law, and
that such female nurses be of good character, and each be allowed and paid the
sum of twenty-five dollars per month, and in addition to the female nurses,
above named, that two females of good character be employed for each ward of the
hospital to act as ward matrons, whose duty it shall be to exercise a general
superintendence over the cleanliness of their respective wards, to see that the
beds and bedding are kept neat and clean, the food for the sick properly
prepared, and the medicine properly administered and that patients very ill are
properly nursed and cared for, and all other matters relating to the domestic
comfort and order of such ward, and that they be allowed and paid each the sum
of thirty dollars per month. - And in addition to the nurses and ward matrons
above named, that for each hospital two females of good character, with domestic
experience, be employed to act as chief matrons of the hospital, to exercise a
general superintendence over all the wards, and ward nurses and ward matrons, to
receive and take charge of all delicacies provided for the sick, to distribute
them when necessary, and to see that everything relating to the domestic economy
of the hospital is kept in perfect order, and that they be allowed and paid
each, the sum of forty dollars per month. And in addition to these, that two
females be employed for each hospital, to act as laundresses, whose duty it
shall be to take charge of all beds and bedding, and all clothing used by the
sick, to see that all are kept properly washed and in good order, and that they
each be paid the sum of thirty dollars per month.
Should these recommendations be
carried into effect, your committee are confident that an entire reformation and
improvement will have been made, not only in the domestic comfort and order of
your hospitals, but in a moral point of view its results will be of incalculable
benefit. It is not alone necessary to sustain the physical being of a man by
food and drink. His sympathies, his social and moral nature are of an
importance, equally high, and exercise not only a controlling influence over his
happiness, but, in many instances over his health. In all the qualities
essential to insure these important results, it will require no power of logic
in this practical and sensible age to prove that woman is greatly man’s
superior. Her sympathies not only soothe the afflicted, but her tenderness and
kindness often afford relief. With less physical courage to resist, she yet has
higher moral courage to endure, and hence, never falters or grows weary in doing
good. With more heart she is necessarily more constant, more generous, more
devoted and patient. - Always responsive when her humanity is appealed to, she
has sympathies warmer, more religious, more earnest and refined. Her very
presence is a rebuke to every impropriety, and when permanently introduced into
your hospitals, will shed a gleam of neatness, cheerfulness, comfort and moral
excellence around and about them not yet realized. - To the sick soldier surely
nothing could be more grateful than this. In this manner, during hours of
suffering, he will, to some extent, realize those pure joys, which make home and
wife so dear to every manly heart, while the brave boy, separated from friends,
and prostrate upon a bed disease, will again be reminded of her whose motherly
love was the first recollection of his childhood, and whose earnest prayers were
the first to direct his young heart to the throne of Grace. In all the hospitals
visited by your Committee it required no effort to detect evidences of her
presence, where from the unselfish motive of doing good, she had voluntarily
gone. In all such hospitals there was an air of neatness, cheerfulness and
comfort no where else to be seen. In these recommendations your Committee are
sustained by the almost universal opinion of the Surgeons in charge of your
hospitals. These opinions, in writing, accompany this report. In these opinions
will be found the names of Miss S. Tompkins and her assistants of Robertson
Hospital; Mrs. Clopton and her assistants, Clopton Hospital; Mrs. Randolph, Miss
Nicholas, Miss Mitchell, Miss Campbell, Miss King and others, Winder Hospital;
Mrs. Hopkins, 2d Alabama Hospital; The Sisters of Charity, Louisiana Hospital;
Mrs. E. E. Mayo, Samaritan Hospital; Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Jenkins, Soldiers'
Home Hospital; the Sisters of Charity, St. Francis Infirmary; Mrs. Gen.
Henningsen, Henningsen Hospital. Your Committee know with what innate delicacy
and modesty ladies shrink from public notoriety, yet in these instances they
feel that those whose noble deeds of charity and benevolence, so delicately and
patriotically displayed, should be known to the mothers, wives and sisters of
the Confederacy whose noblest virtues they have illustrated in watching
patiently by the dying couch of many a brave soldier so dear to their hearts.
From inspection and earnest
inquiry into all the facts connected with the subject, the committee are of
opinion, and submit the recommendation that our whole hospital system be so
reorganized as to represent, to some extent, State institutions by requiring the
sick and wounded of the different States to be sent to the hospital or hospitals
representing that particular State. Should this be done it will greatly add to
the comfort of your hospitals, as well as give especial satisfaction and
pleasure to the sick by placing acquaintances and friends together.
In another point of view, it will
be highly beneficial in obtaining supplies. The donations made by different
States and individuals to hospitals where their sick were located must not be
underrated. Should this be done the citizens of the different States will
continue to contribute much for the use of such hospitals in the way of
delicacies, &c. This has been the history of all such hospitals as have been
regarded by the public as State institutions. It will also enable persons in
search of their friends and relatives to find them with less difficulty. At
present this is almost impossible. If, however, the present tendency of the
system is to progress until all are merged into one general system, it will be
impossible for friends at home to know where their kindred and acquaintances are
located; and hence, as they become the more doubtful upon the subject, their
interest in, and their donations to hospitals will gradually disappear, and
finally cease altogether.
Indeed, to our regret, we learn
from those having in charge hospitals which were at one time regarded as State
institutions, but now as general hospitals, that but few donations were now
received compare with those made before the special and local character of the
institution was lost. No one can estimate the value of those contributions
heretofore made, and if the present system should so operate as to cause them to
cease altogether, its effect must be seriously felt by the sick and wounded.
Charity is beautiful; and that disinterested charity which inspires a love for
the whole human race, the sake of doing good, is unquestionably one of the
noblest virtues. There are many such, but still the great mass are but human
beings, influenced, to some extent, by personal prejudices and partialities. In
attempting to legislate, it is certainly wise to remember this. - All such feel
a more direct interest in, and regard for, those whom they esteem as their
kindred and friends, than for any one else. - To them they will give more than
to strangers. This being so, we believe it will be wise so to organize our
system as to make it respond in character to the wishes and partialities of the
public. In this way we will stimulate their feelings and create direct claims
upon them.
Your committee believe, could a
more direct personal responsibility be created upon hospital surgeons, by a
judicious change or modification of the system to that extent, it would produce
the most desirable results. - In that event, when the sick complain of
inattention or neglect or improper diet, there can be no escape under the plea
that his requisitions were not regarded, or that the Commissary or Quartermaster
would not furnish the articles desired. A surgeon thus situated will have higher
inducements to stimulate and energize his actions. It will inspire a higher
desire for success and distinction, and create the most honorable and
praiseworthy emulation. Should this be done the sick soldier will know exactly
to whom he is to look for all care and attention, and the surgeon will know that
he cannot escape public reprehension, by charging the blame upon some one else.
In creating this more direct individual responsibility upon surgeons, it need in
no manner interfere with proper subordination in the Medical Department. Let
each hospital surgeon be required to control the entire domestic economy of his
hospital. Let him appoint his own stewards and agents to obtain supplies, and be
held responsible for their faithful performance of duty. Let him employ his
female matrons and nurses and all ward masters and nurses. Let him be the sole
judge of the beds and bedding necessary for the sick under his charge, and the
quantity and quality of the provisions to be used. Let him use his election
whether he will accept or draw hospital stores from the Commissary, or commute
the same and draw the money.
Such a reform, your committee
believe, would result in incalculable benefit to the hospitals, and they,
therefore, make the recommendation.
The refusal of Quartermasters to
pay sick or wounded soldiers, separated from their regiments, who are without
descriptive lists, has occasioned great inconvenience, and done great injustice
to this large class of our army. This injustice has resulted more from a want of
foresight, (if not cold neglect,) on the part of Government officials, than from
any defects in existing laws. An order has now been issued by the Adjutant
General, which will remove this cause of complaint, in part, while the act
reported by the Medical Committee in the House of Representatives will make the
remedy complete and effectual.
The same may be said in reference
to the power of hospital surgeons, to grant furloughs to the sick and wounded.
At this time, no such power exists. It is confined exclusively to an Examining
Board appointed for that purpose.
That a sick soldier should desire
to go home, is but natural, and this makes it more painful and embarrassing for
the Government to deny, in most cases, their request. In opposition to the
propriety of transferring, or rather vesting the sole power of granting
furloughs in this Board of Examiners, it is urged that it is an unnecessary
embarrassment, and a restriction that virtually destroys the right of furlough
to a great extent, in practical operation. Nor is this power unrestricted in the
Board of Examiners. They, acting under instructions, have no power of grant a
furlough, except upon one condition, and that condition is, that the furlough is
absolutely necessary to the recovery of the soldier’s health. This, of course,
extends the benefit of the system to but few. It is also contended that the
hospital surgeon is more familiar with the condition of the applicant, than the
Board of Examiners, and therefore it is the better judge of his necessities, and
hence, the Board of Examiners should have no power to overrule his opinion. In
reference to the mere question of fact, here presented, the committee are
inclined to concur with them, who urge the objection in favor the opinion of the
hospital surgeon. Whether he is the better judge of the sick man’s necessities
or not, he certainly ought to be, if correct knowledge can be derived from
attention to, and direct contact with the patient, during his illness for days
and weeks. On the other hand, it is urged that the hospital surgeon, for this
very reason, will be more liable to abuse this power, not from intention to do
so, but from sympathy with the sick. Nevertheless, your committee believe it is
better, in all such cases, to err on the side of humanity, and, in the long run,
it will be the wiser policy that will now and then suffer a sick soldier to
obtain a furlough who would have regained his health without it, than by a
stringent rule, retain one in the hospital to die, who might have recovered had
he been permitted to return home.
Your Committee can appreciate the
great injury that might be done to the service by allowing too much latitude in
an unrestricted exercise of this power by hospital surgeons. Still, if the
Examining Board act under restrictions, there can be now great abuse by
requiring hospital surgeons to act under the same.
To what extent it may be wise for
Congress to undertake to perfect some system for granting furloughs, in a manner
agreeable and beneficial to the sick, and without injury to our army, is a
question that will justify your consideration. Could this be done without
prejudice to the service, it would meet the heartfelt approval of all classes.
It would save to the Government a large expenditure of money and perhaps
preserve many valuable lives. It will be seen by the report, herewith
accompanying, that under existing regulations, but few sick soldiers,
comparatively, obtain furloughs. Your Committee are fearful that the Government,
in undertaking to prescribe a rule upon the subject, has, in too great caution,
embarrassed the whole proceedings with such restrictions as to defeat, to a very
great extent, the beneficient purpose for which this right is recognised at all.
The serious obstacle in the way of a more liberal policy in furloughing sick
soldiers is that in a majority of cases, they do not promptly report for duty at
the expiration of their furlough. This might be remedied by transmitting to each
Sheriff of the various counties of the Confederacy the name and locality of each
furloughed soldier, and the time for which he is furloughed, and require such
Sheriff to see that the soldier returns promptly to duty at the proper time. The
subject being one of great interest to the sick, your Committee feel that it is
incumbent upon them to call the attention of Congress to it.
Your committee having reviewed to
some extent, the causes of complaint and the defects of our system, immediately
connected with the comfort and proper care of the sick, beg leave to call the
attention of the Senate to other legislation, necessary to correct evils more
remotely connected with the system.
The great inconvenience
experienced by the sick and wounded in obtaining seats in railroad cars, and the
cruel discomforts they are compelled to endure when the trains are moving, make
it, in the opinion of the committee, imperative upon Congress to apply some
essential corrective. Under existing regulations, no seats are reserved for the
sick and wounded. When they reach the depot they are compelled in many instances
to take their chances with the crowd. The result is that the stout, active, well
man, pushes the sick or wounded soldier aside, thereby obtaining the best and
most agreeable seats. If the number of passengers be greater than the number of
seats, and any one is to be left behind, upon the platform, of course it is the
sick and feeble soldier - who in some instances is without money and without
friends. If he chance to get upon the train, he is liable to be jostled by the
crowd, and not unfrequently, to sit or lie upon the floor. Upon many of the
railroad trains, no water is provided for the benefit of passengers, whether
sick or well. This is a source of great suffering to the sick and disabled, who
cannot avail themselves of such chances as may be offered upon the route, to
obtain water. From this cause, they are often for hours, compelled to do without
it. This is all wrong, and to say the least of it, is not very complimentary to
the humanity and diligence of railroad mangers, agents and conductors. Your
Committee, therefore, recommend, that all railroad agents and conductors shall
be required to reserve the seats in one or more cars, as the necessities of the
case may be, for the benefit of the sick and wounded, and that no person not
sick or wounded shall be permitted to enter the car or cars so reserved, until
the sick and wounded and their friends and attendants if any, shall first have
obtained seats in the same, and in no case shall said car or cars be crowded by
persons, to the annoyance and discomfort of the sick and wounded - and that all
railroad agents and conductors shall be required to observe this regulation
under penalties to be prescribed by law.
The necessity for some additional
legislation upon this subject becomes daily more apparent. The rapid movements
of our armies in the field, and the sudden and bloody engagements with the enemy
which so frequently occur, render the organization of such corps and hospitals
absolutely necessary. No such corps being provided, and no such hospitals
established at this time, the sick and wounded of the army, after the late
glorious victory of Manassas, were left necessarily upon the cold ground and to
the mercy of the elements for days and even weeks. Surely the Government of the
Confederate States do not thus desire to requite the services of the brave men
now fighting its battles. All that can be done for their relief and comfort
should be done, and must be done, without regard to cost or trouble. - The life
of one brave soldier should be deemed more precious in the estimation of our
whole country than all the dollars and cents that can be hoarded in the public
Let the Government signalize its
conduct towards our army by a generous and even watchful policy - a policy that
looks to the preservation of valuable lives, and to a mitigation of those
terrible misfortunes and suffering which are incident to every bloody war. By
doing this, they will strengthen the arms of our brave men in the field, and if
perchance they are compelled by disease or wounds to fall out of the ranks, they
will know that a grateful country is ever mindful of their wants and
necessities. These hospitals, when established, are designed as temporary
receptacles of the sick and wounded after an engagement with the enemy, or when
the army advances or falls back from one camp to another. Of course the length
of time the sick and wounded will be required to remain in these hospitals, will
depend in a great measure upon circumstances.
Auxiliary to the establishment of
provisional hospitals, it will be necessary to authorize the appointment of
additional surgeons and assistant surgeons to take charge of the hospitals, and
to render upon the field that prompt assistance to the sick and wounded their
condition may require. A regimental surgeon and his assistant are expected, when
on duty, at all times to remain with their regiments. When his regiment moves,
he cannot remain behind to take charge of the sick and wounded. If he do, then
those in the regiment who may require his services must suffer. If he do not,
then those left behind must suffer in the event no other surgeons are provided
to take charge of them. All of this difficulty can be obviated by the
appointment of supernumerary surgeons and assistant surgeons in sufficient
number to take charge of such sick and wounded as may not be able to advance
with the army. The regimental surgeons can then remain with their regiments, and
in this way alone will be neglected.
In conclusion, your committee beg
leave to call the attention of the Senate to the following interesting
statistics connected with our hospital system. Within and near the cities of
Richmond and Petersburg, there are forty-nine hospitals, public and private,
affording shelter and protection to the sick and disabled of our army.
Chimborazo and Winder hospitals, included in the above number, each consist of
five separate divisions, with a surgeon and two assistant surgeons in each
division, which several may be regarded as separate and distinct hospitals, and
should they be so estimated, would make the whole number fifty-eight. In all the
hospitals in and near the city of Richmond, since their organization, there have
been received ninety-nine thousand five hundred and eight (99,508) sick and
wounded soldiers and officers of our army. Of this number, nine thousand seven
hundred and seventy-four (9,774) have received furloughs; two thousand three
hundred and forty-one (2,341) have been discharged, and seven thousand six
hundred and three (7,603) have died. At this time there remains in all these
hospitals ten thousand seven hundred and twenty (10,720).
In all the hospitals in and near
the city of Petersburg, since their organization, there have been received
eleven thousand one hundred and seventy (11,170) sick and wounded officers and
soldiers of the army. Of this number, eight hundred and twenty-eight (828) have
received furloughs. One hundred and fifty-seven (157) have been discharged, and
seven hundred and ninety-seven (797) have died.
At this time the sick and wounded
now in the hospitals at Petersburg will not exceed one thousand eight hundred
and ninety-two (1,892).
From these figures it will appear
that the hospitals in these two cities alone since the commencement of our
present struggle for independence, have afforded protection and shelter to one
hundred and ten thousand six hundred and seventy-eight (110,678) of the brave
and gallant soldiers of our army. These figures but embrace the inmates
heretofore received into the hospitals of only two cities within the limits of
the Confederacy. Our great armies of the West and the South likewise, have their
hospitals, and their inmates of which no report can now be made. But these
figures are enough to impress Congress, and the whole country with the vast
importance of our hospital system, and the high and solemn responsibilities that
devolve upon them, and not only upon them, but more solemnly, if possible, upon
the Surgeon in chief, and in charge, who hold in their hands the lives and
health of a multitude so vast, yet so helpless and dependent. How important then
is it that our system should be the wisest and best our moans will authorize,
and how doubly important is it, that Congress with a generous hand, and an
earnest sympathy should facilitate, strengthen and uphold every effort of the
medical department to discharge faithfully and efficiently their high and sacred
responsibilities. If they fail to do this the cry of orphanage, and the mourn of
many a widowed wife will be heard in rebuke and condemnation against them.
W. E. SIMMS, Chairman,