From the Richmond Enquirer, 12/19/1862

A DRUNKEN MOTHER DROWNS HER CHILD. - On Thursday night, a female inebriate, named Sarah Farry, a resident of Rocketts, visited a saloon on 18th street, with an infant in her arms, and after remaining until a late hour, she was ejected and advised to go home. She staggered on down along the docks, and when she had reached the rear of the Libby prison, fell with her child, into the water. Some of the soldiers stationed at the prison hearing the splashing of the water, ran down and found the woman struggling wildly to get out. In a few minutes they fished her out, together with the child, the mother not at all the worse for the ducking, but the child in the last stages of suffocation. They were taken into the prison where the child died. The mother on yesterday was handed over to the civil police.

Page last updated on 07/24/2009