From the Richmond Enquirer, 7/29/1862


The following is a list of the different Hospitals and their location in the city:


Camp Winder Hospital, western suburbs of the city;
Chimborazo Hospital, on the hill overlooking Rocketts;
General Hospital, northern terminus of 2d street;
Louisiana Hospital, (formerly Baptist College) western termination of Broad street;
Byrd Street Hospital, southern termination of 9th street, near the river;
South Carolina Hospital, Manchester, approached by Mayo’s Bridge, end of 14th street.
First Georgia Hospital, 21st street, between Main and Cary;
Second Georgia Hospital, 20th street, between Main and Franklin;
Third Georgia Hospital, corner of Franklin and 24th streets;
First Alabama Hospital, Broad street between 24th and 25th;
Second Alabama Hospital, corner of Franklin and 25th streets;
Royster’s Hospital, on 25th street, between Main and Franklin;
Banner Hospital, corner of Franklin and 19th sts;
Globe Hospital, on 19th st., between Main and Franklin;
Greanor’s Hospital, 21st st., between Main and Franklin.


Bellevue Hospital, Broad st., Church Hill;
College Hospital, corner Marshall and 11th sts.;
Soldier’s Home, corner Clay and Henry sts.;
Baptist Church Hospital, 4th street, between Lee and Laurel;
Robertson’s Hospital, corner of Main and 3d streets;
St. Frances DeSale, Brook Avenue, near Bacon Quarter Branch.


Liggon and Howard’s (factory) Hospitals, Main street, between 25th and 26th;
Crew’s (factory) Hospital, corner of Cary and 21st streets;
Seabrook’s Warehouse, corner of Grace and 18th streets;
Kent, Paine & Co.’s Hospital, Main, between 11th and 12th streets;
Keen, Baldwin & Co.’s Hospital, Main below Governor street;
St. Charles Hotel, corner of Main and Wall streets;
Masonic Hall, 25th street, Church Hill;
Breeden & Fox’s Store, Broad street, Shockoe Hill;
Spottswood Hospital, under Spottswood Hotel;
Mayo’s and Dibrell’s Warehouse, and the Danville Workshops in Manchester, have been opened for the Hospitals;
Hospital tents are being erected in Howard’s Grove;
Naval Hospital;
Howard’s Hospital;
Atkinson’s Factory, Main street, next to Ross’ Factory;
Third Alabama Hospital;
Fourth Alabama Hospital;
Fourth Georgia Hospital, 23d street;
Company “G” Hall, 28th st., between M. and N.;
Samaritan Hospital;
Clopton’s Hospital;
Soldier’s Rest, Clay, between 5th and 6th streets;
Henningsen Hospital, Locust Alley, below the Exchange Hotel;
Bacon & Baskerville’s, Cary between 12th and 13th streets;
Bailey’s Factory, 7th, between Main andCary streets;
Moore’s, Main, between 25th and 26th streets;
Howard’s Grove, on the Mechanicsville Road, one mile from city;
Centenary Hospital, basement of Centenary Church;
Gwathmey’s Hospital, corner of Cary and 25th sts.;
United States Hotel, corner of 19th and Main streets.

Page last updated on 07/24/2009