From the Richmond Examiner, 6/27/1864

NO MORE TRUCE STEAMERS. - We understand that the Confederate exchange authorities have notified the similar authorities at Fortress Monroe that no more flag of truce steamers will be allowed to ascend the James river until Grant and Butler shall have been defeated and driven from before Richmond and Petersburgh, and this hurly-burly’s done. This is perfectly right and proper. We want no Yankee, under a flag of truce, “nosing” around our defences of the James in these times, when even the very walls have ears and eyes.

A mail of about forty thousand letters has already accumulated, awaiting a flag of truce steamer to be forwarded North. It will have to wait. In the meantime we would advise persons who design writing by this channel to put off doing so until it is ascertained that communication by flag of truce has been resumed regularly.

Page last updated on 07/24/2009