From the National Archives, RG 109, Ch. 6, Vol. 707-709; “Letters Received and
Sent, Chimborazo Hospital. 1861-64.” 3 Vols: Vol. 708, p. 61
Confederate States of
Surgeon General’s Office,
Richmond, Va. March 5th 1863
It has been reported to this
Bureau that one of the Matrons of your hospital is accustomed to entertain
company at dinner.
You will make enquiry as to
whether this is habitual with any of your Chief Matrons. It is so easy for them
to become wasteful and extravagant, that the utmost vigilance is necessary to
ascertain whether the governmental supplies are not misapplied.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servt
S. P. Moore
Surg. Genl
Surg. J. B. McCaw
Chimborazo Hospl