From the National Archives, RG 109, Ch. 6, Vol. 364, “Letters Sent &
Received, Medical Director’s Office, 1864-65.” p. 21
Medical Director’s
Office, March 11/64
Priv. Van Lew I find was refused
an examination by the board at my office and at Chimborazo Hospital. They had no
right to refuse such examination. You will please direct him to call at this
office, any day at 1 P.M. and I will direct he be carefully examined as to his
ability to perform duty, and if any, what duty he is able to perform. You are
requested to state for the information of the Board to what extent Private Van
Lew has been unable to perform the ordinary duties of your Co.
Very Respectfully,
Wm. A. Carrington
Med. Director
Capt. H. T. Owens
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