From the National Archives, M346, Roll 861, Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac
Railroad file.
Confederate States
Quartermaster Department
Railroad Bureau Richmond July 8, 1864
It is necessary that the Richmond
Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad be kept in the best state of efficiency which
in consequence of the damage to it by raids, and the limited business now
demanded of it by Governments, is impossible without an advance on the rates of
Govt. transportation. I have therefore agreed with the Presidents of the Co.
that from the 1st May, the tariff shall be (50%) fifty per cent
advance upon that established at Columbia on the 13th April last, and
respectfully ask you approval of the same.
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt
T. W. Sims
Lt. A & Q. M.
Brig. Genl
A. R. Lawton
A. R. Lawton
Qr. Mr. Genl
7th July/64