RG 109, Ch. 6, Vol. 709, pt. 1, p. 121

Written Accounts
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From the National Archives, RG 109, Ch. 6, Vol. 707-709; “Letters Received and Sent, Chimborazo Hospital. 1861-64.” 3 Vols: Vol. 709, pt. 1, p. 121

Medical Director’s Office,
Richmond, Va. June 3rd, 1864


It will be necessary to provide for a larger number of wounded than the Hospitals of the post will allow under previous directions – consequently you are informed that these directions are suspended until further orders. You are directed to receive & accommodate within the wards, as many sick & wounded as sent you up to 1 patient to every 500 cubic feet & if necessary place those slightly wounded and sick to bivouac around the Hospital in appropriate spots & fill up the beds with the more seriously sick and wounded. All possible transfers to other Hospitals will be made by this office & you will, to facilitate this, have men in readiness. The Exr Board should as far as possible, assist in diminishing the pressure, by furloughing all officers & men entitled under special order no. 128 AAG Office.

More tents & poles will be sent you & you will prepare to pitch them.

Very Respectfully
   Wm. A. Carrington
       Med Director

Surg. J. B. Mc Caw