From the National Archives, RG 109, Ch. 6, Vol. 707-709; “Letters Received and
Sent, Chimborazo Hospital. 1861-64.” 3 Vols: Vol. 709, pt. 1, p. 7
Medical Director’s
Richmond, Va. Jany 8th, 1864
Surg. J. B. McCaw
Chimborazo Hos.
In the Returns of Med. Officers
& Hos. Stewards from the Hos. under your charge the following names do not
appear. Please state where & when they were transferred or relieved. Act. Asst.
Surg. Nevitt & Hos. Steward Turner, Div. No 2 Assist. Surg. Doyle, Div. No 3.
Very Respectfully
Yr Obt Servt
R. S. J. Peebles
Surgeon P.A.C.S.