From the National Archives, RG 109, Ch. 6, Vol. 707-709; “Letters Received and
Sent, Chimborazo Hospital. 1861-64.” 3 Vols: Vol. 709, pt. 2, p. 185
Chimborazo Hospl No. 1
Richmond Sept. 9th 1864
To Med. Director,
I have only two Asst. Surgeons on
duty – Asst. Surgeon Harrison, who is liable at any time to be ordered to duty
with the Naval Battalion – The other Asst. Surgeon Minge an old gentleman,
nearly seventy years old. Asst. Surgeon Wharton is absent from sickness. Asst
Surgeons Baylor & Watson are absent on leave; Asst. Surgeon Watson, in
consequence of sickness & other duties has not performed two weeks duty in this
Hospital since May. I respectfully ask that two or more Asst. Surgeons be
assigned to me for duty in this Division.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt
P. F. Browne
Surgeon in charge
Surg. W. A. Carrington
Med. Director
Surgeon McCaw