From the National Archives, Record Group 109, Chapter 9, Vol. 199 1/2, p. 37
C. S. Mil. Prison
Rich’d Va. Dec. 8, 1862.
Brig. Genl. J. H. Winder
Comdg Dept. Henrico.
In reply
to your inquiry in reference to the employees at this establishment, I have to
state that there are three viz: one clerk of the Prison, one Druggist (in the
prison Hospital) one steward (in the prison Hospital).
I am, Sir,
Your Obdt. Servt.
Th. P. Turner
Capt. Comdg
P. S. Clerk of Prison receives
$100 per month
Druggist (in Hospital )
receives $40 per month
Steward (in Hospital) receives
$50 per month
The above are the amounts
received by the various employees.
T. P. T.