From the National Archives, RG 109,
Vol. 317 (Record Book, Chimborazo
Hospital #4, 1863-65), p. 45
Hospl No. 4
October 10th 1863
In obedience to circular of 3d inst issued
by Medical Director, I have the honor to report that I have at this Division a
number of bunks not required by the capacity of the Division. I have not storage
for all of them upon the Hospital premises. These bunks are rough, unsightly and
uncomfortable. If allowed to break them up the material can be advantageously
used for various purposes conducive to the comfort of my patients. I
respectfully ask for orders as to the disposal of them.
Yr Obdt Servt
Wm. A. Davis
Surg. in Charge
Dr. J. B. McCaw
Surg. in Chief