New York Herald, 4/4/1865 |
From the New York Herald, 4/4/1865GRANT. WAR DEPARTMENT, The following telegram from the President, announcing the EVACUATION OF PETERSBURG, and probably of Richmond, has just been received by this department. EDWIN M. STANTON, The President’s Despatch CITY POINT, Va., April 3 - 8:30 A.M. Hon. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War: - This morning Lieutenant General Grant reports Petersburg evacuated, and he is confident that Richmond also is. HE is pushing forward to cut off, if possible, the retreating rebel army. A. LINCOLN. Secretary Stanton’s Second Despatch. WAR DEPARTMENT Major General Dix, New York: - It appears from a despatch of General Weitzel, just received by this department, that our force under his command ARE IN RICHMOND, having taken it at fifteen minutes past eight this morning. EDWIN M. STANTON. Secretary of
War. Secretary Stanton’s Third Despatch. WAR DEPARTMENT,
Major General Dix, New York: - The following official confirmation of the capture of Richmond, and the announcement that the city is on fire, has been received. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of
War. ADJUTANT GENERAL BOWERS TO SECRETARY STANTON. CITY POINT, April 3 - 11 A.M. Hon. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War:- General Weitzel telegraphs as follows: - We took Richmond at a quarter past eight this morning. I captured many guns. The enemy left in great haste. The city is on fire in one place. Am making every effort to put it out. The people received us with enthusiastic expressions of joy. General Grant started early this morning with the army towards the Danville road, to cut off Lee’s retreating army if possible. President Lincoln has gone to the front. T. S. BOWERS, Acting Adjutant
General. Our Special Washington Despatch. WASHINGTON, April 3 - Midnight. A despatch received here, dated Spotswood House, Richmond, 1:30 P.M. today, says that but little property was destroyed by the fire in Richmond, which was mainly confined to the tobacco warehouses. The reception of the Union troops was enthusiastic beyond all expectation, and confirmed the statement so often made that there were large numbers of Unionists in that city. Many Union flags were displayed, and great rejoicing manifested at the deliverance so long and so anxiously looked for. From private information received here today we learn that President Lincoln designed going himself to Richmond, and may have done so before now. A telegraphic despatch received tonight from the president states that he spent the day in Petersburg and returned to City Point tonight. It does not seem to have been generally remembered that today is the anniversary of Lieutenant General Grant’s taking command of the army in person, at Culpepper Court House, Va.
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