From the New York Times, 10/26/1888


CHICAGO, Oct. 25. – Stockholders in the new syndicate formed to bring Libby Prison to Chicago start for Richmond to-morrow night to take formal possession of the property. They propose to bring it to Chicago and put it up again here early in the Spring. W. H. Gray, Treasurer of the present organization, stated concerning the failure of the first syndicate that the prison was originally purchased by him for $22,300 last February. Shortly afterward he sold the property to Rollin C. Nickerson, Charles J. aines, George Wright, and Malcolm M. Jamieson for $35,000. This syndicate formed a stock company and issued $250,000 worth of stock, of which they tried to sell $200,000 at par, but the notes given in the conveyance of the property went to protest. The prison was consequently sold for that amount last month and purchased by Dr. D. D. Bramble of Cincinnati, a friend of Mr. Gray’s, for $11,000. Dr. Bramble in turn sold out to the present syndicate for $24,000, clearing $13,000 in the operation. 

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