From the New York Times, 3/27/1865FROM CITY POINT. Arrival of the President – Continued Influx of Rebel Deserters – Great Numbers of Refugees. CITY
POINT, VA., Considerable excitement was created here this morning, the cause of which will be told you by one of our correspondents from the front just come in haste with his dispatches. His Excellency President LINCOLN arrived here last night, in the steamer River Queen, with Mrs. LINCOLN. It was intended to have a grand review to-day, that of the cavalry corps having been again postponed yesterday, but from present appearances our men are likely, during the day, to have more serious work on hand in keeping watch on the enemy, although the cause of temporary alarm appears to have been already removed, and the rebels driven back; still any moment many now precipitate us into active operations, for the enemy must now do something or never, and our forces are on the alert to meet them at all quarters. Deserters still come in at the rate of over one hundred per day; and refugees of the first class are fast leaving the sinking ship. Several hundred dollars are daily paid to deserters, at the Ordnance Department, for arms and accoutrements that they bring. The muskets they bring in are mostly Enfields, of English manufacture, and in excellent condition. Capt. H. B. BLOOD, recently promoted to the Chief Quartermastership of the Twenty-fifth Corps, proceeds to-day to take his position. Twelve – All quiet up to the present hour, the enemy have been entirely repulsed and the guns retaken with a number of prisoners, and our lines held unbroken. J. R. HAMILTON.
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