From the National Tribune, 3/7/1907

The Last Yank to Leave Libby.

P. M. Redding, Co. A, McLauglin’s Squadron, Ashland O., wishes to correct Comrade B. S. Moffit in his statement wit regard to the last squad to leave Libby. Like Comrade Moffit, Comrade Redding was at Knoxville during the siege, and he thinks Burnside had about 9,000 men there. He was in the Atlanta campaign, the march to the sea and thru the Carolinas, and was captured near Lancaster, S. C., by Wheeler’s to Charlotte, then to Salisbury, then to Danville and finally to Libby. He left Libby, Sunday, April 2, 1865, just as sun was setting, all the inmates of the prison going with him, making in all at least 600, so that if Comrade Moffit left on Sunday morning Comrade Redding’s squad left after his. After taking them out they were marched down the James River about half a mile, when they boarded a small steamer and went down the river about eight miles to our lines. They were then marched across the country to our boats, which they reached about midnight. After getting something to eat they got on board and sailed to City Point, which was reached the next morning. From there they went to Fort Monroe, arriving just in time to hear the guns of the fort peal forth the glad news that Richmond had fallen. From Fort Monroe they went to Annapolis, Md., and from there by freight train to Camp Chase, Columbus, O. Comrade Redding slept on the top of the cars three nights and days on that trip. He thinks Comrade Moffit may possibly have been in his squad and have forgotten the time of day he left Libby. His squad was certainly the last to leave the prison, leaving about sundown April 2, 1865, and the men went into Richmond April 3 - a day to be remembered as long as life lasts.

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