From the National Tribune, 7/30/1903
Joseph Steen, Co. F, 36th Ohio,
Ringo’s Mills, Ky., writes: “O was in Libby Prison from July 4, 1864, to Feb. 5,
1865 - 216 days. My quarters were on the third floor. For rations we had four
bites of bread and three of meat at 10 a. m., and the same at 4 p. m. When
receiving our allowance we were required to stand in line. Because of an
occasional mistake in counting, some comrades were forced to fast two or three
days. When we were too weak to stand erect, a big fellow would come along the
line, giving us a kick. On our floor the death list was about three every day.
They would take the dead by the hair of the head and drag them down the stairway
- to God only knows where.”
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