From the Augusta (GA) Constitutionalist, 1/6/1863 , p. 1

Special Correspondence of the Constitutionalist,


RICHMOND , Va. , Jan 1, 1863

Mr. Editor: It has been my purpose for several days to give you a full account of the management of the Georgia Hospitals in this city, as well as other matters, that would be interesting to your readers. But, because of indisposition, I have been enabled thus far to visit but two of the asylums for our sick and wounded soldiers - the 1st and 2d. Of them, I will briefly speak; the others I will notice hereafter.

The first Georgia is under the charge of Dr. J. A. S. Milligan, assisted by F. C. Ellison, Sterling C. Eye, and J. L. Ingram. Dr Milligan is, I believe, of your city. His constant and unremitting attention to his arduous duties is universally acknowledged by all who have been inmates of his hospital. He is a man of an intellectual face, and a perfect gentleman in his demeanor. I never saw him but once. His reputation as a physician is high. Of his assistants, I doubt not but they are what they ought to be.

Dr. Ellison, of Columbus , Ga. , I know well. He is of great promise in his profession. There are 169 beds in this Hospital, and they are all filled. The servants of both sexes are requisite in number, and are faithful ad attentive; and every convenience and comfort, in the way of provisions, is abundant.

The 2d Hospital is under the charge of Surgeon D. C. O’Keefe, assisted by Drs. S. B. Simmons and G. G. Palmer. Dr. O’Keefe, I believe, received his professional education in your city. He understands his business thoroughly; and he is a high-toned, warm-hearted, sympathetic Irishman, no better man in Georgia could have been found for his place. There are 124 patients in this Hospital, and I regret to say that a number of them have the small pox. What I have said of the 1st may, with truth, be said of the 2d. From personal observation I can, without the fear of contradiction, say to the fathers, mothers, and friends in Georgia of those who may be inmates of these Hospitals that they are at home.

[Last paragraph goes on to express hope for French intervention and prospects of Confederate success. Not transcribed.]
