Philadelphia Photographer, vol. II; Phila.: Benerman & Wilson No. 22 - October 1865, page 170


We present with this issue a view of the Burnt District of Richmond, Va. No pen is required to tell of the ruin and desolation reigning there. The fiery destruction which visited it in April last, left little but ruins in the principal portions of the city to tell the tale of war and woe. Main Street, especially, where once stood handsome and flourishing business palaces, banks, and public buildings, suffered to the utmost extent, and for a series of blocks, but one noble building stands erect unscathed by the flames. This is the “First National Bank of Virginia ,” formerly the Post-office, and latterly the Confederate Treasury building. It is a handsome structure of granite, and occupies a conspicuous position in our picture - its portals still draped in mourning for our late President.

Other portions of the city suffered greatly by this fire, also, and it is a singular fact that with but one single exception, every photograph gallery in Richmond was destroyed. Every poor photographer forced to vacate and change his base.

Then all was devastation and woe; but now the noise of the hammer and chisel, and the ring of the trowel are heard, and noble edifices are being reared on the site of the old ones. This gives additional interest to our picture, as it cannot be reproduced. Messrs. Levy & Cohen, the publishers, issue, as we noticed in our last number, a series of Richmond views which are very interesting and valuable. This view was made with a six-inch Globe lens in June last. Prints by Levy & Cohen on XL. paper, from Wilson & Hood, Philadelphia .