From the Richmond Sentinel, 8/30/1864, p. 2

The Duel. - The case of Messrs. Pollard & Elmore, charged with being concerned in the late duel, was again before the county court yesterday. The court gave its decision on the question raised as to whether Dr. Peticolas should be compelled to testify, he having declined upon the ground that his evidence might criminate himself. The decision of the court was that the witness “was bound to testify.”

Dr. Peticolas still respectfully declining to testify, the court issued an order for his committal to jail.

Thereupon Dr. Peticolas was carried before Judge Meredith upon a writ of habeas corpus, when the Judge continued his case till this morning, and admitted him to bail in $1,000. The case will be argued before the Judge this morning at 11 o’clock.

In the meantime the County Court have adjourned the case of Messrs. Pollard and Elmore till Saturday next, to await the decision of Judge Meredith.


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