From the Richmond Sentinel, 8/5/1864, p. 1

Mayor’s Court. - We mention the most entertaining cases disposed of by this court yesterday.

John Ford was fined $5 for blowing a horn in the streets. Ford drives an ice cart, and blows the horn to wake up his customers, and let them know he’s around.

Kesiah and Lizzie, two young African damsels of the impudent order, were ordered to be thrashed for being insolent to Mr. James Mitchell, and using towards him the epithets of “poor white trash.”

James Dunn, the dirtiest young white vagabond in this city, a fugitive from the Alms House, was captured Wednesday evening, by officer Morris while stoning a man at the Petersburg depot, who had caught him stealing peas from a car. The Mayor sent him back to the Alms House, from which he will doubtless again run away before dinner.

[remainder of cases not transcribed.]


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