From the Richmond Whig, 6/19/1862, p. 1, c. 2

DR. EDWIN S. GAILLARD. – Col. Yeadon, of the Charleston Courier, in one of his letters from Richmond, gives the following particulars of the wounding of Dr. Gaillard, in the “Battle of Seven Pines:”

Col. Hampton was wounded in the foot, by a Minnie ball, during the charge of the enemy, the ball first striking the edge of the sole of his foot, and slicing into the foot. Dr. Edwin S. Gaillard, the Surgeon of the brigade or division, amid a perfect hailstorm of bullets, falling about him and the gallant Colonel, successfully extracted the ball from the foot of the wounded officer, performing the operation on the battle field, as coolly and deliberately, as if he had been in his office, or a sick chamber. In half an hour afterwards, the right arm of the brave and skillful Surgeon was so sadly shattered by a Minnie ball, that he rode with his arm dangling for several miles, before he could obtain aid. The injury was so great that the amputation of the limb became necessary, the operation having been skillfully performed by Dr. Peachy, of Richmond, while Dr. G was insensible, and, of course, without pain, under the influence of chloroform. Dr. Gaillard deserves well of his country, and should be well cared for by the public. He was a physician and surgeon, of high reputation and lucrative practice in New York, when the present revolution commenced. Immediately, with a son’s devotion, he rushed to the defence of his mother State, and he should henceforth experience her parental care, in every fitting mode. Deprived of his right arm, the profession of surgery loses one of its brightest ornaments, and humanity one of its noblest benefactors. As a physician, however, he will yet be able to continue his mission of usefulness and benevolence.