From the Richmond Whig, 1/9/1863, p. 1, c. 5

TEXAS HOSPITAL. – Wanted at this Hospital, a Chief Matron, and a gentleman of good business qualifications. None need apply without unquestionable assurances of their suitableness for these position.

R. W. LUNDAY, Surg. in Charge.

ja 9 – 1t*

[later, in same column of paper]

TEXAS HOSPITAL. – Desiring to establish a Library and Reading Room for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers in this Hospital, I respectfully solicit donations of reading matter of any description. The hospital is situated at Hardgrove’s old factory, east terminus C. R. R.

Surg. in charge.

ja 9 – 2w*

Page last updated on 07/24/2009