From the Richmond Whig, 21 May 1863

Headquarters Confederate Guards,
Camp Winder, May 19th, 1863

Hon. Jas. A. Seddon, Sect’y War,

Dear Sir: - I am detailed for light hospital duty by Gen. Lee, on account of disability for field service, but on coming to this Camp was put on the guard. I have been here since the 1st of March, and on all occasions have confined myself to the rules and regulations of the place. But there is one thing I cannot conform to, I cannot be content with short rations, when full allowances are drawn from the commissary for me. You do not allow it and I think, in justice to myself and comrades you should know something about it. This is an imposition, not only on the soldier, but on the government. I hope you will be pleased to enquire why our rations are SOLD by this gentleman in gold lace, when at no time since I have been here have I had enough to eat.

Very respectfully, your obedient serv’t

JAMES WADE, Co. G, 14th La. Vol.


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