From the Richmond Whig, 4/11/1865


Major Gen. GODFREY WEITZEL and Brig. Gen. G. F. SHEPLEY have their headquarters at the mansion formerly occupied by Jeff. Davis, corner of Clay and 12th streets - continuation of Governor street.

Major Gen. CHAS. DEVENS has his headquarters at the Governor's mansion.

Brevet Brig. Gen. E. H. RIPLEY has his headquarters at the City Hall.

Major General A. V. Kautz, First Division, Twenty-fifth Army Corps, headquarters at Richmond House.

Captain Wm. Vondoehn, Adjutant General.

Major Atherton H. Stevens, Jr., the Provost Marshal, has his residence at the French Consul's house and his office at Major Carrington's late place. Persons requiring permits, passes, etc., can get them at the latter place.

Lieutenant Colonel W. A. Conover, Medical Director, Army of the James, headquarters at the Custom House.

Surgeon Benedict, U. S. V., Medical Director of Twenty-fourth Army Corps, office at General Devins's Headquarters.

Surgeon E. P. Morong, U. S. V., Medical Director of Twenty-fifth Army Corps, office on Tenth street, near Capitol.

Lieutenant Colonel John Coughlin, Provost Marshal General of the Department of Virginia, office in the Custom House, on Bank street.

Captain Abel E. Leavenwert, Ninth Vermont Vols., Assistant Provost Marshal General, Custom House Building.