Richmond Whig, 4/25/1865


Major General Halleck’s headquarters are at the corner of Clay and Twelfth streets.

Major Gen. E. O. C. Ord, commanding the Department of Virginia. Headquarters corner of Clay and Eleventh streets. Office in Custom House, second floor – Bank street entrance.

Brig. Gen. M. R. Patrick. Headquarters opposite Gen. Ord’s. Office in Custom House, first floor – Bank street entrance.

Major General Casey’s headquarters are at the corner of Sixth and Main streets.

Brig. Gen. Charles Devens, commanding U. S. Forces in and around Richmond; headquarters corner of Broad and Twelfth streets; office at the Clifton House.

Brevet Brig. Gen. John E. Mulford, Agent for the Exchange of Prisoners, has an office at the “Female Institute,” corner of Clay and 10th streets – (first floor.)

Brevet Brig. Gen. Michie, Chief Engineer of Virginia; office, second left-hand door, first floor, Custom House, Bank street entrance.

Brig. Gen. F. T. Dent, Military Commander; office, City Hall.

Lieut. H. S. Merrill, Post Quartermaster; office, Female Institute, Tenth street.

Capt. A. J. Cook, Post Commissary; office, No. 115 Broad street.

Colonel John B. Howard, Chief Quartermaster Army of the James, has his office in the Custom House.

A Military Commission, of which Major J. L. Stackpole, Judge Advocate, is President, is in daily session in the Hall of Congress for the examination of cases of persons confined by the Rebel authorities.

Major J. L. Stackpole, Judge Advocate of Department of Virginia, office in Female Institute, on Tenth street.

Col. Geo. Suckley, U. S. V., Medical Director of Department of Virginia. Office in Custom House.

Surgeon A. C. Benedict, U. S. V., Surgeon-in-Chief Third Division Twenty-fourth Army Corps and Troops attached, office in Clifton House.

Acting Staff Surgeon Wm. H. Palmer, U.S.A., Post Surgeon, at Stuart Hospital.

Acting Assistant Surgeon Sanders, U.S.A., in charge U.S. Dispensary, corner Broad and Eighth streets.

Major J. C. Paine, Chief Signal Officer. Office in the Female Institute on Tenth street.

Officers are respectfully requested to inform us of any errors or omissions in the above directory.